Gundagai Local News 1876,


1872 - GUNDAGAI - Grevilles Report

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The Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Advocate (NSW : 1898 - 1928)(about) Previous issue Monday 14 March 1927 Next issue Previous page Page 2).


W. E. KYLE and Co. Have received instructions from Mrs OWEN Senr (who has relinquished housekeeping) to sell by Public Auction at their sale rooms on SATURDAY, 19 th inst at 2 o'clock sharp. The whole of Mrs OWEN'S Furniture and Effects, comprising: —


D & S Bedsteads and Bedding,

D Chest Com. Chest, W Stands and Ware,

Kitchen Tables & Chairs,

D R Table,

Hall Stands,





Garden Seats,

Enamel Bath,

Cooking Utensils and

General Sundries. A/c Mr J. GIVNEY, -


Wash stand

S Bed and Matress,


Bolts, etc.,

Cooking Utensils and

General Sundries.

For Bona-fide unreserved sale.



In response to a request from many Residents of the Town and District, I hereby convene a Public Meeting to be held at the Literary Institute on SATURDAY, March 19th, at 3 p.m, to consider and arrange the above matter. T H. BOYTON,


President Gundagai Shire. - DANCE FIRST SHOW NIGHT. (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16) IN ST. PATRICK'S HALL In aid of Children of Mary Stall (Continental) Gents, 4/ ; Ladies, 3/ ; Tasty Supper. — Good Music. BERYL BARTON ') Hon MARGIE HUNT j Secs



ST. PATRICK'S HALL In aid of Refreshment Stall (Continental)

Tasty Refreshments. Music by Miss Carr. Ticket, 3/. Dancing from 8 to 12 Moonlight. MRS T. W. ALBRIDGE, MR J. KEEFE Hon MR A HOGAN, secs.



Church of England. Church of England services next Sunday, (March 20th.) : — St. John's Gundagaij 8 .am., Holy Communion, with address.

Coolac, 2.30 p.m., afternoon service, followed by annual meeting.

Gundagai, 7.30 p.m., evening with address.

Darbalara service at Mr Knox's next Friday, March 18th, at 7.30 p.m.

Gundagai Annual Church Meeting, March 29th. REV. W. S. McLEOD, L.Th. Dur. Rector.

Presbyterian Friday, 18th March, Bongongolong, 8 p.m. (moonlight). Sunday, 20th March,

Gundagai 11 a.m. Subject, 'Snobbery.' Brungle, 3 p.m. Rev. A. CROWTHER SMITH Minister.


(In aid of R.C. Church Fund.) Programme Future Issue. DANCE AT NIGHT Ticket 4/ W. MAHER, W. FALLON. F. J. CASSIDY. Hon Secretaries. COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the above Association, will be held at the Literary Institute oxx TUESDAY, 22nd. March, at 4 p.m. A. BOOTES, President.

CARRYING BUSINESS. I Wish to inform the public of Gundagai and district that I have purchased a NEW MOTOR LORRY, I and am prepared to do all classes of general carrying work. 1 PROMPT ATTENTION, AND MODERATE RATES. COL. YOUNG, GUNDAGAI Phone 43.

Always fresh is the fruit at Castrission Broflall fruits in season

Boxing. Showground— Show Days Australia's Greatest Show Attraction JIMMY SHARMAN'S TOURING, STADIUM — Introducing FIGHTERS THAT CAN fIGHT PROVIDING TWO DAYS OF SCIENCE, FIGHT? FUN & FURY . WANTED all Local District and CHAMPIONS from surrounding towns within a radius of 100 miles of Gundagai, to visit Show and be matched against troupe, who range in weight from nine stone to heavy weights. NO ONE BARRED, Special Matches every Session.

Gundagai P. and A. Society. ANNUAL SHOW March 16, and 17, 1927 N. W. HOLMAN, Sec.

SHOW BOOTH. HELP THE HOSPITAL,. The Hospital Committee have again to thank the Show Committee for their kind donation of the Show Luncheon Booth. Will all supporters kindly send their Donations — Meats, Tomatoes, Eggs, Fruit, Butter, or any thing suitable, to Hogan's Hotel, the Freezing Works, or to Butcher's Store, not later than Tuesday Morning Next. j. f. Mclaughlin, Secretary.

'THE BLACK CATS' In aid of Nangus Cricket Club, At Nangus. Entirely New Programme, including laugh of the year. FRIDAY, MARCH 25 See JOE WALLACE adn ERIC MAYNARD in the Funniest Sketches ever staged in the District. ' TURNING THE TABLES To be followed by an ALL NIGHT DANCE, Splendid Music JOE WALACE, ERIC MAYNARD Stage Manager Hon Sec.

R. M. KIRKPATRICK, B.D.S (Sydney Univ.), Dentist, Will Commence Practice on Monday.


THE TUMUT CAFE, TUMUT. The Leading Restaurant and Cool Drinkery in the South. Under Personal Supervision of MRS. HILLEARD Dainty Meals All Cool Drinks Confectionery and Fruit. Rest room of Country Women's Association on premises.


LOST On 6th. instant, between Gundagai and 'Micky's Corner,' Light Brown Striped MOHAIR TRAVELLING RUG. Reward on returning to Gundagai Police Station. F. JOHNSON, Corowa.


Jugiong Labour League. A MEETING of Jugiong Labor League will be held in Jugiong Hall, on SATURDAY, March 19th, at 8 - p.m. Labor Supporters are requested to attend. Ladies cordially invited


TENDERS Are invited for sinking a Dam, about 400 yards or 500 yards. Ten ders close March 10th next. Further particulars on application to — F. J. FROST, Wagragobilly. ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM G. HILL ALL Persons having any Claim, against the Estate of the above named Deceased are requested to fur nish particulars of the same to the undersigned, and all persons owing moneys to the said Deceased are re quested to pay the same to the under signed. A. J. HILL, Wambidgee.

No matter how early or how late — Clean, beautifully cooked meals at , 'Castristion Bros'



According to a late promise made by tho Premier to Mr. Fitzpatrick, M.P., it is not unlikely that the practice., of holding a District Court at Junee will be resumed.


The young woman Bridget Dwyer, who, as reported in our last issue, was Springdale, Cootamundra, and who it was thought was making in the direotion of Gundagai, where she formerly lived, was found on Friday afternoon at Salt Clay Creek, a few miles south of Cootamundra.

She seems to have travelled about twenty miles in a fortnight, yet it was difficult to trace her. People complain that several horses have suddenly disapproved from Gundagai lately. Mr. Barnes, M.P., has written to say that the Minister for Justice has consented to the Soldiers' Memorial being errected in the Courthouse enclosure, the site suggested is the plot of ground between the courthouse front and tho steps.


Mr. Edwin Jenkins under went a small operation in Sydney on Friday 'ast so that the nature of the growth ;it the root of his tongae might be ascertained. Mr. Jenkins, we are sorry to say, i in a far worse condition than was at first anticipated. He first became aware of his misfortune about six weeks ago. He is returning to Gnndngai.


The first application for dredging leases in the Tumut river that lodged by Mr. E. V. Browuhill has been refused by the Warden. The granting of the lease was opposed by the Tumut residents.


Yesterday the Indies interested in the Literary Institute Flower Show, which takes place next week, met at Walker's hall, when final arrange ments for the big attraction were made. Everything is going along swimmingly, and the ladies are vieing with eaoh other to see who can achieve the most for the cause. A suggestion was made, that the stalls should bear military names.


Exceptionally warm weather for this period of the year has set in. The thermometer has reached to 90 degreos. Rain has threatened, but has not fallen. In consequence of tho heat sickness is on the increase, and the doctors have many cases in hand.


Stock averages in the Sydney market : — Southern agents, Junee, 9 bullocks, £10/4/10; -W. Nicholls, Gundagai, 10 bullocks, £7/15/- ; southern agents, Gundagai, 31 bul locks, £0/6/4 ; 10 cows, £9 ; N. Carberry, Gobarralong, 6 cows, £6/9/8 ; J. and'F. McEvoy, Bengarra long, 12 cows, £6/1/4. Sheep — J. Robinson, Kimo, 6 xbred wethers 15/-, 4 wethers 14/2, 149 do. *15/7, 6 do. 14/-, 4 xbred lambs 12/6, 8 do. 11/-;

southern agents, Gundagai, 167 wethors 14/5 to 14/7, 376 wethers 15/3 to 15/5.


Great satisfaction is evineed iu Tumut at the^assage of the Gundagai Tnmut railway bill, and measures have already been taken to reward the well directcd efforts of Mr, Donaldson, M.P., in having the line constructed. Some littlo time ago a carrier pigeon, carryinga message, was liberated at sea from the steamer Glaucus, six miles south of Ram's Head at 5 a.m., and at 5 p.m. the same day the bird flew on board the schooner Olga, 62 miles north-east of Port Stephens. The distance Bona was, therefore, about 450 miles.


To provide facilities for country rcsideiits visiting the metropolis, the Railway Department announced that a cheap excursion train at specially reduced fares will leave Gundagai for Sydney at 5.20 p.m. on 2nd November; by this train cheap excursion tickets At l£d per mile first-class return and Id per milo second-class return, will also bo issued locally to all inter mediate stations.


The gold escort, which left Gundagai on Friday last, carried the following parcels

Gundagai, 19oz. 17dwt. 21grs;

Adelong, 836oz. lOdwts. llgrs;

Tumbarnmbra, 41oz. 2dwts. 2grs.


Mr Syd Crowe, a native of Gobarralong, who a few years ago took up a property at Temora, having decided to remove to Gobarralong, where he has had erected a comfortable home, was given a complimentary send off at Temora on Friday last prior to his departure to his new home.


Miss Lizzie McElligott, daughter of Mr. John MoEMigott, has been a sufferer for a short space of time, and on Sunday last Drs. Gabriel and Crooks successfully performed a minor operation upon her. It has been deoided to have the main street of Gundagai watered during the summer months.


Owners of unregistered dogs may expect to be prosecuted now, as tha 14 days' grace have expired.

As a result of a sulky accident last week Mr. W. Kinred, contractor, has been since coufined to his bed, and is likely to remain there for a couple of weeks. Mr. Kinred had important business to attend to in Sydney this week. It may not ba generally known that the erstwhile champion Australian slogger, Peter Jackson, is at present travelling with Fitzgerald Bros. circus. The sting of Peter's power has vanished.


Mr. Barnes, M.P., writes to say he has seen the Minister for Jastice in regard to the delay in accepting a tendor for the Courthouse improvements, and the latter has promised to have the matter settled as soon as the papers are placed before him. 1


At Tracey's hotel, at noon on Wednesday, the privileges in connection with the approaohing Spring Meeting of the Gundagai Racing Club will be offered at auction, together with the rights for the Cycling Carnival on November 9th.


On Saturday last Mr. W. E. Kyle offered at auction, on account of Mr. J. C. Hunt, Dural, one acre of valuable building land fronting Ofcway and Punoh streets, aud a block of 132 feet, near the bridge, fronting Sheridan street. Very good prices wore made at auotion, bnt owing to the pro hibitive, reserves the land was with drawn. Subsequently both lota were I bought privately by Mr. A. Hunt for the good figure of £300. Messrs.


Givney Bros, have beon un able to take any stono out of their Mount Osborne mine, Brungle, owing to the winter rains having filled up the shaft. However, mining operations are to be resumed by tha party this week.

The work of erecting the Roman Catholic Church at Wagragobilly has now been actively entered upon by the contractor, 'Mr. W. Warbrick. The building will be completed about Christinas time.

Mr. A. Cauvarel's 'now cottages ou Mount Parnassus are also nearing completion. It is stated that the regiment of Australian Horss wilt shortly become partially-paid and the members of tho regiment will be armed with Martini* Enfield rifles.

A lad named Sid Maynard, son of Mr. H. Maynard, was admitted to the Hospital on Saturday, suffering from anosmia in its most dangerous form. There is little hope of his recovery. There are now twelve patients in the local Hospital — two above the proper complement.

A meeting of the local Council, of some importance is to be held to-night, when the imbroglie about the town levels will once more be touched npon.

The wheat and hay crops look very promising, grass and water are abandant. The demand for cattle, sheep and horses is very good.

The 'Sunday Times' says: — It is a pity we have not a few more such mines as Robinson and Rice's Long Flat mine in our colony ; but there is no knowing what development in gronud adjacent to Messrs. Robinson and Rice's may bring forth ; possibly a rival gold-producer or two exists there.' The undermentioned gold-mining lenses aro uow ready for delivery to the lessees : — Tumut and Adelong Mining District —

J. Harford, sen., GL 77, e Clarendon, p North Gundagai, 1 acre. J. Harford, jun., and another, QL 76, c Clarendon, p North Gundagai, 1 acre.

J. B. Bruce and an other, gl 104, c Wynyard, p Calafat, 1 aero. The temporary reserve from sale described has been revoked Land district of Guudagai— Part of water re serve 1,867, notified 22nd December, 1879, c Clarendon, p North Gundagai, containing an area of 20 acres. That part within measured portion 423 of 20 acres..

A picnic to the school children of St. Stanislaus' is to be given next month. Arrangements are also in progress by the Roman Catholic folk to carry out the usual big bazaar at the aunual Show and Races. Wo understand Father Donovan has a project in view by which sufficient mouey will bo raised to erect the much-desired wall around the church grounds. This work has become imperatively necessary, as the earth has broken away from the old fence at the Homer-street corner.

Tho only cases so far set down for the Quarter Sessions are those in which the men French and McDonald, committed from the Tumut court, are to stand their trial for alleged sheep stealing.' - Ref- The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (NSW : 1868 - 1931)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 23 October 1900 Next issue Previous page Page 1).