Noel John Thomas

"Mr Noel John Thomas married Miss Mary Medcalf

in Tumut, NSW

son of James & Sarah Thomas "


1937 Noel John THOMAS married Miss Mary METCALFE in TUMUT, NSW - (Ref- NSW BDM 16391/1937)

Children from this marriage were:

1. Clive Thomas - married - No children.

2. Lester Thomas - married - 1 child - Kim

3. Naida married Nev Murphy - 5 children - Susan, Brian, Jenny, Garry, Melanie.

4. James Thomas - passed away

5. Phylis Thomas - married Colin Smith - two children- Brett and Matthew.

6. Kenneth married Di Webster - 2 children - Stephen and ?

7. Fred Thomas married Sylvia Bellington in NZ

8. Les - single

9.Jeanette (Jeanie) Thomas married Tom Riley - 5 children - Larna, Karnu, Tom,Anthony, Angel

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John

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