Tumut Municipal Council



On 7 October 1886,

the NSW Government Gazette published a petition of 76 residents of the Tumut district who proposed the establishment of a Municipality under the Municipalities Act 1867. The petition stated that the population of the proposed area was 500 and that the area did not exceed 50 square miles. (1)

The proposed area consisted of all the land situated in the parish of Tumut, county of Wynyard commencing of the Tumut River at the north-west corner of the suburban portion of fifteen acres thence southerly along the west boundary of that portion to the south-east corner of forty acres known as the police Paddock, thence west along the south boundaries of the 40 acres of the Permanent Common to the south-easterly along the south west boundary of Dalhunty street to its extended junction with Grant street thence north-easterly along the south-east boundary of Grant-street to East-street thence north along the east boundary of East-street to the Tumut River. (2)

On 27 April 1887, the Municipal District of Tumut was proclaimed.

The Municipality was in the county of Wynyard and parish of Tumut, consisting of approximately 1,120 acres. Another proclamation on 21 May 1887 stated Samuel Charles Valentine North as the first Returning Officer and the first Council election to be held on Friday 24 June 1887. (3) The first Aldermen elected on 29 June 1887 were: Edward George Brown (Mayor), James Blakeney, Frederick Moncrieff Vernon, James Simmers, John Weeden and Rowland Mansfield Shelley. (4)

Constituted by the Local Government Amendment Act 1908 and proclaimed on 23 February 1909, the Governor declared the portion of the Gadara Shire as an Urban Area. The Adelong Urban Area consisted of approximately 7,200 acres, comprising of the county of Wynyard and the parishes Adelong, Gadara, Euaders and Catafat. (5) On 2 April 1910, the parish of Batlow in the county of Wynyard, comprising of approximately 118 acres, became part of the Municipality. (6)

On 6 June 1928 the Governor united the Municipality of Tumut and the Shire of Gadara to become the Shire of Tumut, thus abolishing the Tumut Municipality.


(1) NSW Government Gazette 23 November 1886 p8053.

(2) NSW Government Gazette 7 January 1887 p93.

(3) NSW Government Gazette 25 May 1887 p3509.

(4) NSW Government Gazette 5 July 1887 p4384.

(5) NSW Government Gazette 3 March 1909 p1284.

(6) NSW Government Gazette 6 April 1910 p1896.

(7) NSW Government Gazette 8 June 1928 pp2677-2678.

Tumut Municipality

Date range: 21/05/1887 to 06/06/1928

Category: Local Government


Municipalities Act 1867

Administrative history note:

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavors have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John on (Mobile 0431 481 451) or Email johnstephenson2121@gmail.com Ex West Blowering Resident, now living in Wollongong, NSW. Australia.

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