

Run No. -

Owner: James J CROWE

Area - Approx - 7,000 Acres




Bill and Shauna Graham

Acres 400


1886 - GUNDAGAI. April 19. - VALUABLE LAND.- Monday, in the insolvent estate of James J. Crowe, of Bongongo, 400 acres conditional purchase realised 33s 6d per acre.

Considering that the conditions of not completed and only 5s per acre been paid, this is a high price.

The land is situated in the County of Bauclouoh, parish of Bongongo. - (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Saturday 24 April 1886)


Early European settlers in the area originally used the land for grazing livestock. In 1874 while propecting for gold between Bongongolong and Coolac, a previously unrecorded meteorite was discovered near the village by local man Thomas McMahon.

A. Development in the area around Bongongolong boomed in the late 19th Century with the discovery of gold in Bongongolong Creek in 1879.

B. A public school was established in 1880

C. and by 1889 a stamping battery was in operation.

This attracted national media attention when in August, the manager of the mill was committed for trial for his part in the fraudulent sale of impure smelted gold.

D. By the early 20th Century, a community hall and post office had been built at Bongongolong.

The ongoing decline of the town from World War I onwards is evidenced by the closure of the public school for the last time in 1961.

E. Today little remains of the village, with a few farm houses surviving. The street grid and foundations for a number of community buildings remain visible.

Sometimes the town's name has also been spelled Bongongalong causing some difficulty when reviewing historical documents


The following is an interesting description of the pastoral property of Mr James Graham, our 'Bongongo Jim the Stockman' in the 'Independent ' (Gundagai): — This property has a history, but none of that history is so interesting as that connected with the present owner.

About five years ago Mr. Graham took over the property, which contains an area of 7,000 aces. It was looked upon as a God-forsaken part of the world — only fit for blackfellows and dingoes. Overrun with scrub and briars, the people laughed when they heard that Mr. Graham had determined to settle down on 'Bongongo', and endeavor to make it a property worth owning.

But trials and tests of of these kinds prove how much is clear grit and how much is muck in a man, and what Jim Graham — as he is familiarly called has accomplished proves that the analysis gives a return of a plentiful supply of pure grit.

Hundreds of acres of land surrounding the home stead, which were impassable and useless owing to masses of briars, are now good grazing and farming land. Out of the holding of 7,000 acres there have been ringbarked and madocked 6,400 acres; country where it was impossible to see the head of a beast now runs nearly 7,000 sheep and 300 head of cattle Much of this laud cost 15/- per acre to clear, but the owner is satisfied he has done the right thing. So all his neighbours. 'Hang it all,' they say, 'If Graham can make this wild country look so well, surely we can do likewise so they are scrubbing, ringbarking and clearing and the mountain country, which five years ago was thought useless, is now looked upon as a haven of rest for starving stock.

The slopes here have a good depth of soil, and the country is sound as a bell and so formed that even in wet seasons it does not become marshy or swampy. The water supply comes from innumerable mountain streams, which empty into the Adjunbilly, and it is beautifully clear and ever cool.

Mr Graham has since settling at 'Bongongo', erected 43 miles of wire fencing on the run; he has also built a new shearing shed and shearers' quarters, on the most modern plan. The shed been a mile away from the house on the top of a ridge, and this always ensures a get away for storm waters; so that no matter from what quarter rain comes, the sheep yards are always dry.

The shed itself is a substantial building with eight pens, and every necessary convenience, the shoots, races and yards being constructed with a view to comfort and economy of labour. Shearing had been completed a week at the time of our visit and the team was taking away the last load of wool. Over 15 tons were secured from the flock; last year 14 tons were got from almost half the number shorn this season. An example of what can be done by irrigation is to be seen hereabout.

Mr. Graham has constructed a two mile race, and water is brought from the Adjunbilly to a point above the sheep dip. From there it is thrown off in various directions, and wherever it runs the grass is long and green. A paddock containing maize and potatoes is treated by irrigation and the result is at once noticeable; water is also laid on the various paddocks to the sheep dip and from the service reservoir to the house.

The homestead is a big roomy place, the front being hidden by a magnificent flower garden, in which the choicest of roses — when we saw it grew luxuriantly, and in profusion.

Among the horses owned by Mr. Graham is a big, well shaped thoroughbred stallion, 'Mark Twain,' who possesses a strain of the famous Yafctendon blood.

Mark Twain broke down early in his racing career, but it will be remembered he used to show a clean pair of heels to Tarcoola, a Melbourne Cup winner in all his track work. At work outside in his portable shop was Jim Murphy, the peregrinating Gundagai saddler and there is a big demand for his services.- (Ref- Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 10 December 1902 Page 2).


The death of Mrs. Sussanah Graham, wife of Mr. James Graham, of "Bongongo Station", Gobarralong, occured at the residence of her son, Mr. J. E. Graham, Bradford, Cootamundra, on the 9th instant, after a short but very painful illness.

The late Mrs Graham, who was in her 59th year, was born at Gunninguldrie, near Lake Cudgellico, in 1860, and was married at Parkes in 1883, to Mr. James Graham.

In 188» she and her husband went to Cootamundra, where Mr Graham carried on a business for several years. He purchased Bongongo Station about 1896, and about 20 years ago the family removed there.

During those years Bongongo has been noted for the generous and unostentatious hospitality of the deceased lady to many visitors from time to time, and her death will be deeply mourned by a large circle of friends in the Tumut, Yass and Cootamundra, districts, where she was widely known.

The late Mrs. Graham was a fervent Catholic, and during her last illness was frequently visited by Father Costello and the Sisters of Mercy.

Her husband, Mr. James Graham, of 'Bongongo', survives her, and also a family of four sons:-

Mr. J. E. Grahame, of 'Bradford', Cootamundra;

Mr. Bert Graham, of 'Riverview', Gobarralong

Messrs. Fred and

Sid Graham, of 'Bongongo';

and one daughter, Mrs. H. J. Barber, of North Yass.

The interment took place in the Catholic cemetery, Cootamundra, the burial ceremonies being conducted by the Rev. Father Costello.— R.I.P. - (Ref-

Then to Bill and Hauna GRAHAM

W G & S M

Bongongo Angus

(02) 6945 3130



Gobarralong NSW 2727

(02) 6945 3156

Fax - 0428 245 208

Bill's Mob Bill - 0418 245 208

Shauna's Mob - Shauna

- LINK - Web Site - Bill and Shauna Graham.

Adjunbilly News. - (From a Correspondent.)

The heaviest fall of snow since the big fall on August 8, 1899, fell here on Tuesday evening, three inches falling in a few hours. This was quite an unusual thing for this time of the year. During the morning the sun shone out as warm as the hottest day

Mr James Graham, of Bongongo is fitting his shed up with six of the latest improved Wolseley sheep shearing machines. That gentleman is deserving of every credit for the way he has improved the 'Bongongo' holding since he bought it some six years ago. Any body seeing it now could hardly think it was the same place.

Very little mining has been done on the Adjunbilly creek during the winter, the flood water being too hard to battle;watch; but some of the claim holders expect to make up for lost time during the summer months.

Mr G. W. Last, of Fern Hill has just finished lamb marking, with satisfactory results. His maiden ewes marked 80 per cent and his 6 and 8 tooth ewas marked 85% per cent, averaging 83 per cent for the lot.

We have quite an army of rabbit trappers around this quarter. Some of them are making up to £8 per week out of the skins alone.

Mr Kiley, of 'Red Hill', says his ewes are doing remarkably well on his rented country at Narandera. He expects to start them home by the middle of September.

Messrs. Graham, Patrick Kiley (Red Hills), and J. Last (Fernhill) have been, perhaps, the greatest losers in the matter of sheep; still they take their loss philosophically, and hope for better times Mr. Kiley informed me that, although his lambing was fairly good, a great number have since died. "As you drive through the paddocks," said he significantly, "see how many sheep-there are without their lambs." In the course of between a 50 and 60 mile drive I regulary alighted from the - vehicle on many occasions for the purpose of assisting almost dying sheep and lambs to their feet. They all appeared to be perishing from absolute weakness. As a matter of fact, nearly the whole of the southorn districts appear to be suffering the illeffects of the dry Summer and among some, of the greatest sufferers have been the people interested in dairying business.

On the other hand, should the late frosts of August be conspicuous by their absence, the recent rains will have a beneficial effect, for even now a pleasing sight is witnessed in all directions, for the hills and valleys present a verdant hue. The distressing part is, however, that one Severe frost will reduce this delightful appearance to a dirty grey, the young grass will be cut back to the roots. - (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 7 August 1907).

Mr Kiley, of 'Red Hill', says his ewes are doing remarkably well on his rented country at Narandera. He expects to start them home by the middle of September.

The Rural

Tumut market breaks the $2000 barrier

By Stephen Burns - April 10, 2015, 1:30pm

Mark Paterson, manager "The Poplars" Tumut for McPhee Properties is pictured with the pen of 34 Shorthorn steers which sold for $850

COWS and calves nudged through the $2000 a head barrier at the 47th annual autumn Tumut store cattle sale.

Pens of heifers with young calves at foot made from $1450 to $2050.

The top price at $2025 was paid for 10 Angus heifers with calves at foot, four to six weeks old, which were offered by longtime vendor Betty Roche, "Arden" Adelong.

Other good sales were recorded by Elaine Mason, 'Jugiong Partnership', Tumorrama who received $1900 for her 14 Angus heifers with 14 Angus calves at foot.

David Graham "Redhill," Adjungbilly sold 30 Angus heifers with calves at foot to a top of $1850.

The Burns family, 'Yaven Pastoral', Adelong sold 12 baldy heifers with four to six week old calves at foot for $1750.

Wayne and Mandy Skein, "Bombowlee," Tumut got $1750 for a pen of 12 black baldy heifers with calves at foot.

Top price in the pregnancy-tested-in-calf (PTIC) section made $1270 for vendor Mrs Mason.

Robert Brennan, 'Eurobin Pastoral', Tumut received $1050 for 12 Shorthorn heifers due to calve July/August and

John Piper "Beaverbrook," Tumut sold seven Hereford heifers to calve to Angus bulls in May/June for $950.

There was a good offering of heavy steers which ranged in price from $980 to $785.

The yarding of heifers made from $450 to $780 with the top priced sold by vendors Tom and Vicki Sutton "Nimbo" Tumut.

The sale was described by selling agents McAlister Saunderson Stubbs Tumut director Rob Stubbs as being "very strong."

"There was lots of interest and stock went to widespread areas," Mr Stubbs said.

Bogong Public School

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John

To Home - To Tumut - Towns & Local Areas

From Bongongo to Tumut

(By " Wombat.")

On Tuesday last I essayed a visit from Bongongo on a peregrination.

On my "short stay there, I 'was delighted; in a way, with the surroundings, but the roads thither from Bookham are in such a deplorable state that I was thankful and pleased to receive accommodation for the night at Mrs. E. "Gassidy's, where I was treated with every kindness and consideration.

The state of the road from Tumut leading to her holding is deplorable.

It is a nice little holding of 1440 acres. At the time of my visit there was a fair spring in the grass, and the sheep and cattle looked well, but it must be trouble in the dry season there as regards water.

In the absence of a frontage creek, a tributary of the Adjungbilly is rendering itself famous after every rainfall, by enlarging its scope by numerous tributaries, and acres of holding are in this way washed away to siltups the proverbially treacherous (as far a miners at Adjungbilly.)

The juvenile creek—so to say—has developed abnormal proportions, being just about three parts of a chain in width by about from 10 to 15ft in depth.

There is no clay subsoil, and, if the said creek was' dammed up, I am of ' opinion , that good results would : ac\x=req-\ (v6rue^/as -after each rainfall, the accumulated silt would wash up, and in ' ;time sfcay the washaways : at present disastrous*. The same applies to the ^property owned by the esteemed squire of Bongongo, Mr. J. Graham, through whose property the recreant , stream flows to the Adjungbilly Creek.

On my arrival at Bongongo Station I . did not have the pleasure of an interview with the owner. His home is ' surrounded by happy prospects. The .pine avenue to Ms homestead is a '•picture, and the undulating character of the whole of his holding, compris\x=req-\ ' ihg some thousands of holdings, clad in spring's greenest mantle, left me , -.contemplative of his big prospects in the " sweet • by-and-bye." Tumut bound, I essay to cross the troublous Adjungbilly, and in front on a gentle eminence appeared an erection I afterwards [ found ; was the j Bongongo School. Reminiscences of the past ' came back to me, when I, as a boy of : 10.or.ll, was truant-like inclined, and tit - struck me at once 1 had missed my chances, as I was never located in ' such a happy spot for it as this. For why.? there is about three or four ; acres of the happiest protected sweet-briar bushes I have seen; but I did inot see a recreant " kid." Well, you 1'Wouldn't; for he or she could plant in " a twinkling. Driving on. I came to ,:the Adjungbilly Greek," across which . Messrs MeEvoy Bros, have erected a bridge. I don't for a moment blamei the contractors, as the bridge seemed faithfully built and was of two spans; but, whoever the Engineer was who : laid out theplans.'he certainly should rhave his head read. You approach it iin an easterly and westerly direction, and; ihave to leave it in a southwesterly; for,if you foliow it in its north; and south direction, you ; run foul' of > a bank six feet high. Anyway, urging onwards through plenty sweetbriars and scrub,'I espy the residential area of Mr. Jones, and another . similarly held area. Thence,, passing 'through. me if you dare!" The country through which I passed was but poorly grassed thus far from Adjungbilly. Then came the toughest-bit of road of the lot—up a long, rutty, most uninviting hill, on which someone has attempted to dear the timber off, but has failed. I pitied my horse, but he was as staunch as,,a rook, u,n& after steady, tedious climbing i I arrived, almost shaken to pieces, at " the summit of the hill." The descent therefrom was gradual, and, not too trying. Mr. George Last's' famed holding was in the foreground. Coming to a small creek at the boundary The road is most uninviting, and the only thing to! break the monotony of the track is the presence of cockatoos, who seem,happy and at home. Crossing this swamp hollow, now developed into a small creek, I come into a forest reserve of,