~Brindabella Station~
Run No. -
Portion No.s -
Acres -
Thomas Franklin
Sold to
J G Killen
Information has been received that Messrs.Jos. and K. Franklin, of Brindabella Station, have completed a phenomenal feat of droving.
The fall of snow appearing early this year, Mr. A. B. Triggs, having about 500 bullocks and between 600 and 700 cows at Cooraugorambla, prevailed upon the Messrs; Franklin to get them away, and do the best they could for them.
They took seven men with them, improvised with horses, pack saddles, and even snow shoes, and, leaving "Cooraugorambla", they had to negotiate about two feet of snow on the route towards Brindabella and Cooleman.
They started the strongest of the herd in the lead, to break down the snow, and the balance followed a cortege of about four miles in length. Travelling was slow, cold, and perilous. The mountaineers plodded on to Brindabella. Sleep enroute was an impossibility, and when they arrived at the latter place they placed the herd in an 800 acre paddock and fed them plentifully for four days.
The journey, was then resumed, the route being via McBean's, in the Goodradigbee, Wee Jasper, Tomorroma, thence via Gundagai1 to Cootamundra, and they landed with the same tally as they started. - (Ref- Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 25 July 1911).
To the Northern Territory.- Brindabella is likely to shortly lose one of its best-liked residents, in the person of Mr. J. M. E. Franklin, of Brindabella and Bramina Stations. No man on the land in this district is better known than Joe Franklin, whose kindly nature and breezy personality have won him hosts of friends. Mr. Franklin, as a man of the hills, born in the saddle and bred among stock, has a big opinion of the opportunities in the Northern Territory awaiting men of experience who are prepared to put up with the inconveniences of isolation and bad climate, which are small when compared with the constant warfare which landholders hereabouts have to wage against the eternal rabbit.
Mr. Franklin is now in the metropolis getting some official information preparatory to boarding the steamer next week for Port Darwin. The district can ill afford to lose young, energetic men of Mr. Franklin's type, but at the same time it is just such men as he who will be the ones to successfully pioneer the wide spaces of the Northern Territory. May success attend him in his venture.
The Brackenjay Gold Mine Brindabella's hopes of becoming one of the State's biggest gold producers are still in suspense. The Brackenjay Company is marking time awaiting the arrival of a larger pumping plant with which to unwater the shaft. The confidence of the shareholders is said to be unshaken in the future possibilities of these deep leads, and shares are still closely held. Snow on the hills.
The rain storms of last week on the Upper Goodradigbee have totalled over three inches. At Brindabella the hills surrounding the valley are snow-capped and have been so for several days, giving the air a bite which makes one glad that fire wood is not scarce or sold by the basket.
Stock up to the present have been doing well but all kangaroo grass country will now go off with the heavy frosts. When Cook and Fisher they fall out, and call each other names, The public looks askance, and says They're just like two old dames. But that's not so, I'd have you know, With Wood's Great Peppermint Cure, Which is praised the world all over, The merits will always endure. - (Ref- Queanbeyan Age (NSW : 1907 - 1915)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 3 June 1913).
There eventuated at Brindabella on 26th January a most enjoyable picnic sports meeting. Through the energies of a live committee, and a most energetic secretary, a large programme consisting of horse racing, hunting contests, flag races and foot races were carried out without a hitch.
The early part of the day was somewhat hot and at mid-day the weather was threatening rain, which showed a tendency to disappoint the fair sex, but fortunately it cleared to a perfect day when a good attendance put in an appearance. Visitors were present from Queanbeyan, Coolamon, Micalong, Weejasper and Uriarra. From the word "go" things were kept lively to the end of the programme through the energies of a committee of which most conspicuous were After the sports were finished the people gathered at the homestead where they were well received and catered for in the way of edibles, which revived and gladdened the hearts of young and old for the evening performance.
In a spacious ballroom, beautifully decorated by the home family, an enjoyable dance was kept up till daylight under a most capable M.C. Songs were rendered by Major Chumleigh, who was in his best voice, and several ladies contributed songs sweetly. Miss Hamilton presided at the piano. Mrs. Jack Maxwell (piano) and Mr. Neylan (violin), two past masters, played extras.
This concluded the most enjoyable gathering in the district. The following are the results:
Ladies' Braclet. First Bracelet value £65;
second Trophy valued £1. Mrs. S. Thompson's Schooner, 1 Miss A. Webb's Hit or Miss- 2 Mrs. J. Maxwell's Banjo ,, 3 Six starters. Saddle and Home Race, H. Cairnes. 1 R. Patterson . 2 Twelve starters.
Ladies' Flag lRace. Miss J. Maxwell. 1 Miss R. Franklin . 2
Walk, Trot and Gallop Race. H. Cairnes. 1 A. Morcom . 2 S. Thompson .3
Eight starters. Trial Stakes. First prize Trophy value £2/10/;
second Trophy value 10/. A. H. Morcom's M.O.M, .., 1 'Chas. Hardy's You and 1 ... 2' Thos. McDonald's Lady White 3 Nine starters. Pony lace. First prize Trophy value. 801 ; second Trophy value 10/. Thos. McDonald's Lady White ... 1 A. Webb's Jacko ..,, ... 2 - Reid's Mansie ... ... 3 Seven starters. r Gent's Flag Race. A. Morcom .. ... .... 1 T. McDonald ... .... ... 2 Hunting Contest. .Prize Troyhy value £2. B. Neylah's nomination ... 1 C. Hardy's Congfarra ... 2 Forced Handicap. First Trbphy valueio £3; second Trophy value £1. Distance I mile. A. Webb's Hit or Miss ....... A. Moreom's E.D.M. ... ... 2 S. Thompson's Schooner ... 3 Six starters.
On Saturday last, Mr. T. P. Maxwell held a very successful sale of sheep, cattle and horses at Hungerford's yards, when full prices were obtained for all lines.
Editor Doidge, of Cootamundra, becomes prophetic in respect to Burrinjuck. . In years to come we can see a palatial hostel there, with streams of radiant light, shining over that beautiful lake at its feet, filled with every modern convenience; but, alas, with a tariff, prohibitive to all without a thousand a year!
A few diggers, and more rabbiters, will gather there and smoke fat cigars and order out their motor cars; while others of us will dare to run down with a tent and a.blanket, and a billycan, and revel for a space in the alpine beauty of the hills and the water
Here's some authentic. fish news from Jugiong for disciples of Isaac Walton: School master John's son, Will, and his brother.in-law, Downey, caught on Friday and Saturday nights last nearly 2cwt' of cod in the Murrumbidgee, a few miles from Jugiong. In the catch were two that weighed 56 1b and 52 1b, respectively, another turned the scales at 261bs, and several 5 lb to 121b.
This is the record catch for this part of the river for many miles distant. Mr. Johns tells us that he has had good catches his Jugiong during his 20 years sojourn there, but says this beats him. The fishermen had Mr. John's boat and lines. The baits used were birds (sparrows), oak grubs and small fish.
The catch was exhibited at Jugiong and greatly admired.- Gundagai Independent. - (Ref- Queanbeyan Age and Queanbeyan Observer (NSW : 1915 - 1927)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 3 February 1920).
The sale by private treaty of the well known Brindabella Station is reported. Messers Woodgers and Calthorpe, Ltd., have sold on account of the executors of the
late Thomas Franklin,
Mr. J. G. Killen, a cousin of Mr. W.Killen. MP. Brindabella occupies a very fine double frontage to the Goodradigbee River, and is one of the best trout streams on the southern tablelands. It comprises about 3,000 acres of C.P. freehold and C.L. and 26,000 acres of leases. Mr. Killen owns another property in the Rylong Valley, but we understand that he intends further to develop Brindabella and live there the greater part of the year.
The same firm also reported the recent sale of Mr. A . A. J. Reid's Kentucky property fronting the Goodradigbee River and adjoining Brindabella, comprising about 1000 acres, to Mr. Woodriff, of Penrith, New South Wales. - (Ref- The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 15 May 1928).
The green clad valley of the Goodradigbee is in pleasant contrast to the dried up pastures and bare lands around Queanbeyan. A fall of 180 points of rain early in April brought on a nice shoot in the grass and the warm drizzly rain of last week, when 197 points fell spread over five days, has given the feed further welcome growth.
Local cattle are holding condition well while sheep on agistment, of which there is many thousands between here and Tumut, are carrying on successfully. It is in this way that our mountain country is of such value against drought for every sheep saved is so much wealth retained in the industry.
A couple of dingoes which had been causing some anxiety were trapped last week by Mr. J. M. K. Franklin fortunately before they had done any known damage, Mr. Franklin's many years experience among native dogs and close study of their habits almost invariably brings success to his efforts when a dog is reported in the neighborhood. In the past three months he has secured four.
The mountain road is falling into a sorry state of despair. Practically nothing has been done to it during the past twelve months and the district residents have to depend upon their own efforts to keep the road open to traffic. While it is highly commendable on the part of the Shire Councilors to inculcate this spirit of self help among the ratepayers, still a too rigorous diet is apt to pall even upon the most unselfish. Perhaps, if the Shire Councilors could be induced to make a visit of inspection, the soreness of their bones next day might induce them to consider favourably the spending of a little money in maintenance. The Federal side of the mountain road is a credit to Rolty Hamilton the maintenance worker. Efforts are being made to link up the Brindabella Post Office with the telephone service via Micalong and Tumut.
A meeting of residents on the western side was held early in the month when the conditions were laid before them by a departmental officer and eight names were handed in as applicants for the service.- (Ref- Queanbeyan Age and Queanbeyan Observer (NSW : 1915 - 1927)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 22 May 1923).
The Brindabella homestead, the property of Mr. J. G. Killen, was destroyed by fire early on Friday morning.
The fire broke out about 2 a.m. in a bedroom, and a youth who occupied the room endeavoured to suppress it, but the flames spread and the occupants escaped with their lives.
The building, part of which is 80 years old, was a famous resort for fishermen, and was frequently visited by Lord Stonehaven when Governor General of the Commonwealth.
Only portion of the verandah now stands, temporary living quarters having been arranged there. Telephone communication with Brindabella, which had been disturbed by the fire, has been restored. Printed and published by C. J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., at the registered office of the company, Ainslie, Canberra. - (Ref- The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Monday 13 November 1933).
The Brindabella Ranges is a mountain range in New South Wales, Australia. Located 350 km from Sydney and 40 km south west of Canberra (on an unsealed road - more suitable for 4WDs, which runs through the mountains and connects Canberra and Tumut). The Brindabellas are visible to the west of Canberra and form a significant part of the city's landscape.
The name "Brindabella" is said to mean "two kangaroo rats" in an Aboriginal language. However, another account states that "Brindy brindy" was a local term meaning water running over rocks and bella was presumably added by the Europeans as in "bella vista".
Brindabella Valley is located in the middle of the range. Brindabella is quite a beautiful and isolated valley on the edge of the Snowy Mountains. The Goodradigbee River flows through the valley.
The Goodradigbee River, formerly called the "Little River" is an outstanding trout stream that wanders through the ranges from its source high in the Snowy Mountains.
Before European settlement the valley was inhabited by the Ngunawal, Walgalu and Djimantan Aborigines. The area was first settled in the 1830s by European squatters as a stock outstation for the Yarralumla property (now part of Canberra). Land was first being purchased in 1849 by Joseph Franklin who tried to settle in the valley. The local Aborigines killed his cattle and drove him out. He did not return until 1863, by which time the Aborigines had been largely devastated by the gold miners who had poured through the valleys in search of new goldfields beyond Araluen, Kiandra and Adelong when gold was found in the area in 1860. It wasn't mined until the 1880s; in 1887 the Brindabella Gold Mining Company was formed. Mining continued until 1910. It is now an agricultural area.
Joseph Franklin's son John Franklin (born 1846) married Susannah Lampe from Talbingo and they had a daughter called Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin. She was born at Talbingo in 1879 and grew up in Brindabella where she was educated by a private tutor, Charles Blyth. In 1889 the family moved to Goulburn and in 1897 Miles Franklin became a governess to a family near Yass. It was while working here that she completed her most famous book, My Brilliant Career. She also wrote an autobiographical work, Childhood at Brindabella, which told of her early life in the valley.
In recent times the Brindabella Valley has become a popular retreat for people wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of life in the nation's capital. Weekend residents have included well known television personalities and senior public servants. Today, there are still members of the Franklin family living in the valley. - (Ref- This information is provided from the Tumut Shire Council web site and is for information purposes only. Although all care has been taken in the preparation and updating of the information no claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content. The Tumut Shire Council, its employees, agents, consultants and representatives do not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided or incorporated into it by reference. The information is provided on the basis that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance accuracy and currently of the information. Fees and charges are subject to change without notice.)
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