1840 - ELLIGIBLE Investment of Capital.
For sale, 'BALTINGLASS', a farm in the county of King, about two miles from the past town of Gunning, and midway between Goulburn and Yass, containing two thousand six hundred and forty-one acres, adjoining a most extensive run of Government land, which the possession of this farm commands by its improvements, at least, four miles of river frontage: it is well known to be one of the best sheep districts in the Colony.
Twenty acres are under cultivation with grain of a most promising appearance, (wheat, barley, tye, and oats) and a garden of upwaids of four acres and a half, enclosed with a paling fence, having in the coutte of it large ponds that are never dry. It contains all the choicer vegetables, and upwrds of one hundred young fruit trees, apples pears, plums, cherries, peaches, Ac , grape vines, and the minor fiuits.
A shingled cottage of eight rooms (partly finished) and verandah; also, a slabbed and shingled building of four apartments for kitchen, laundry, servants' rooms, &o.
There are on this establishment three flocks of sheep, viz_.
Four hundred and fifty ewes, of ages, with lambs at their sides
Four hundred and thirty two year old ewes, with lambs at their sides
Four hundred and thirty wethers, two and three years old, and rams
The years clip of wool will be given in with the sheep if the purchase be made beföre the end of the year.
Terms- One thousand five hundred pounds cash, and one thousand five hundred pounds secured on the land for three, five, or seven years, bearing ten per cent. interest from time of sale.
Also, an establishment at the Tumut River of upwards of two hundred and fifty head of cattle, chiefly feinalrs, with calves given in.
Thirty head of horse stick, viz,, Eight blood mares
Two two-year-old fillies Two one-year-old lillies
One three-year-old entire horse One three-year-old gelding Five yearling colts
Three saddle horses, and Eight foals
Some of the young stock have been bred from Theorem, George IV, Providence, and other excellent stallions. I
Three flocks of sheep, viz,-
Six hundred and fifty ewes, of ages, with lambs given in
Five hundred maiden ewes
Four hundred wethers, one year old, and rams
This year's wool given in if the purchase is made before the end of the year.
A quantity of wheat in stack, a growing crop, the right of the stations, stockyard, enclosed paddocks, hurdle;, agricultural implements, and all the utensils of the establishment.
A team of six or eight working bullocks.
Terms-Three thousand pounds and liberal credit will be given on good set and;, r.iu! ¡Hit list charged the time of sale. For fuillttr pin tiru, luis application to be made to Janies (jutland, Esq., Hoare Town, Campbelltown, or to the undersigned. B. CLAYTON Bahinglass, Gunning, November 1st 1840. - (Ref- The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 24 November 1840 Page 1).
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