Cobargo Newspaper
- Cobargo Cronicel
1917 - THE CHRONICLE. /or the ctutt* thalark8 nutittanre, ¦F»r <• * wrong* that need resmtunca, iVi the future in the iluUmee' And the yard that toe can do.
Euchre tournament and dance ai Dit;namis Creek last (light in ajii of Fiance Day.
Mr Napthali, dentist, is in town, at his old address, "Hammond's Hotel". He will remain a week.
Dr Cozens, dentist, is in town at Oourlay'S Hotel, and will practice here until Friday next week.
Reported that Mr McWilliam, who created such a stir when he contested Bega seat three years ago, is married again. Well, he always was a stout champion of the second ballot.
Euchre tournament and ball next Friday night in the School of Arts in aid of France Day. Collectors are busy appealing for the fund, and report just a few disappointments.
Mr E Chegwidden. who was recently operated upon, is now able to receive visitors with a flourish of crutches, and expects soon to return to business. For the past fortnight he had been tended by Nurse Merton, of Bega.
Mr and Mrs L Goldman left for Sydney hurriedly on Saturday last, on news being received of the illness of Mrs Solomon. The old lady is well known in Cobargo, having resided here for lengthy periods at a time.
A paper famine is imminent and newspapers are rushing to purchase stocks to tide them over the shortage. One paper puts it that if overdue subscriptions were all paid up there would be no difficulty in its case of meeting the crisis. Bega is arranging a tremendous demonstration for France Day. Friend "Smithy," of the "Star." is. organising a team of fat men to appear in a fancy dress football match against a lean team, and the organiser threatens to come out in the character of Charlie Chaplin, the movie comedian.
This day, commencing at 12 oclock, M and J O'Reilly will conduct an "important clearance' sale at "Coolagolite", on account of Mr Harry Ginns, who is leaving for Queensland. The lengthy list is printed in this issue. Luncheon provided.
M and J O'Reilly will conduct & sale of cattle and pigs at their yards next Thursday, at 2 o'clock. The list is advertised. Just after the sale of stock. Beach House, Berinagui, together with a cottage on an adjoining lot will be offered at auction.
Mr Check, photographer artist, has prepared a handsome design for Cobargo District Photographic Roll of Honor, which is to be submitted to a public meeting for approval. The Roll of Honor is on view at the studio, and inspection is invited.
Mr Arthur Smithers, accompanied Dr. Barlow, made the trip from Sydney to Bermaaui this week in a launch While the crew were ashore near Nowra, the launch got beached, but, we understand, was successful!y floated off. Mrs Smithers also arrived during the week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Ginns.
Our old friend Mr Alf Bennett, many years ago assistant atCo bargo post office, has returned to us as relieving officer. He is acting postmaster here during Mr Taylor's absence. Mr Bennett is still the same agreeable and obliging official and shook the glad hand of many old friends this week.
Building has taken a boom in Cobargo. Our RC. friends are leading the way in the erection of a handsome Convent, while on Saturday the committee let Mr Thatcher a further contract for the building of a Convent school, price 574. When these buildings are completed, the parishioners of St. Mary's may be well proud of the new edifices they have erected since the parish priest became resident here.
A Bega friend wrote us information of the result of the municipal ballot in that town "There are no "Braines" in the Council now," he says "Father Braine did not contest, and sun Harold was defeated, still Solomon is a wise man, and recently proved that to ef t drink out of a locked bar it whs necessarv to get in, after a door had to be unlocked the purpose.
A team of Tilba junior footballers visit Cubargo for a match this afternoon. A social will he held at Wandella on Friday, July 27, in aid of the Red Triangle Fund.
Mr 0 J Fraser has connected his residence with the Cobargo telephone exchange. He announces that in future he will meet the steamer at Bermagui, conveying passengers either way.
A Palmer, nephew ot Mr Jas Moorhead, has enlisted. The young soldier's father was stationed in Cubargo many years ago in conqe^tiou with the Methodist mission.
Messrs Chas. Gough and Jas Jubb, of Cobargo, have been appointed Justices of the Peace. Also, Mr Walter Hanscoinbe, of Bega, and Mr J Baldwin, of Broro.
Mr Joe Jewell, just elected an alderman of Bena Council, is an employee at Whyman's coach building establishment. He is the only employee among the aldermen.
Two more of our patriotic young men have announced their intention to enlist. They are employees in the same establishment, and will go into camp together as mates, there is talk also of a couple of volunteers coming along from Tanto. Quaama, which is consistently patriotic, is organising for a special effort on 20th instant in aid of France Day fund. Subscription lists have been opened, and a social is to be held at night. Particulars next issue.
The Federal Govt has determined upon a policy to give preference in employment to returned soldiers, and no fit man of military age will be employed in a position that could be filled by a returned soldier. It is probable State Govts, will adopt a similar policy.
This issue of the "Chronicle" begins a new quarter. Subscribe now to the only paper printed in Merimbulla Shire. No paper so well serves the resident as the local paper. We have just completed three years and nine months in the control of the "Chronicle" and during that time have to thank the people for solid support.
A workman in Svdney had the top of his thumb jambed, and under the Workmen's Compensation Act secured a verdict for £300 damages. An appeal was lodged.
Minor accidents which previous Iv workmen took as a matter of course, will now assume a greater importance by the "go slow" element in our industrial life, and work will be regarded from a new standpoint. There's always a chance of an accident, you know— (Exchange).
Recruits are still urgently needed to fill the the gaps in the lines of our brave Australian comrades at the front. Particularly are Infantry reinforcements. - Men on enlistment may apply to be allotted to any battalion in which their comrades may already be fighting in. For sporting men there are still vacancies in the 2nd "Sportsmans Unit" which consists of all "Sports" Members of riffe clubs are reminded that they can distinguish themselves as snipers in the 2sT.ll.A. 150 which when the unit is full are going to the front under JDnpt. J)ukin late secretary of the N.B A. In tending recruits for all units should communicate at once with Lieut. Cork, Recruiting Olficer, Jv'owra, staling their age.
A progress list of subscriptions to Cobaigo France Day fund is published on our back page. Kea.l the list, and if your name Woes not appear, cotrect the omission before the subscription closes. There is ntom'on the list for .every man in the district, and tlie right place lor every name is among the subscrib ers. l'here is no need to be told of ? tie dire distress in France. Our very .own sol iiers in letters reach ing us—men known personally to every Oobargoite—tell _us of the wanton destruction committed by the Germans and fhe ruin-on all sides in ^ once Beautiful Franc. Married men and single alike aie fighting the common' 'foe, every man wiiu is able isJbi'aring arms, and the. enormous list of dead, has left thousands upon thousand? of widows ami orphans to he cared for hy the united Wforts of the Al lies. „ " Hooper's Electric Pictures sii- i own! lo a good home in Cobnrgo! Oil Wednesday ni^ht. - Church of England MM'viees fur to-morrow; TiIIm 11 (It l\]. lii^ iiuttiR 2 30, Cobargo " 3d. This w«ek iv? recpivj'f] a photo of Pie. Fred Mothev for Cobargo District Roi{ of Honor. Mr Wind)combe, M.L.0-. v.-ho was a passenger on the mined Mongolia, died in India as a re sult of exposure. Mr Jack Tiirlinton takes posses sion of tfie Australian Stores busi ness on or about 1st August. At this week's meeting of Mum bulla Shire Council, the salary of the very capable clerk, Mr Crowe, was increased by £52. The Slurs anil Stripes wore fly ing in Cobargo on the Qloiious Fourth. Old townsman G Martin stood to attention and saluted. Mrs W Thelan, who lias been six weeks n patient in South Sydney hospital, underwent t successful operation, and is now doing well. M and J O'Reilly have now 600 head of cattle listed for their-spe cial B.ile on 26th July. Seethe at tractive lines advertised in this issue.
In a letter from Batlow, Mr Herrick Cork, who pioneered the Central Tilba motor service, says that in the western town he has a good motor business in summer.
Mumbulla Shire maintenance men have commenced work at Her magui putting pipes across the road iu substitution lor the old surface crossings. Guod utWs for travellers. Many inquiries Im-e been made as to "when are Charlie Gough and Jiin Jubb coming into town auaifi?" They have just been made Js.P., and seem to be wanted badly to ad judicate "on a case." The collectors are only asking for one day's wages in connection with (he France Day appeal. It isn't inucli, but in •(lie aggregate will amouiit to a substantial sum. There should be i«o shirkers when tile lists are completed. Check, the photographer, is still in town, owing to the business be ing red hot I have decided to stay here till further notice. Don't keep ine waiting, bring your work along. Enlargements 35s framed, same work costs £2 10s elsewhere.* At Bombala a meeting convened by the Mayor to consider whatsh- j ould be done for local returned so ldiers was attended by four people. 1 The local paper mentions (he num ber in bij: letters. At night i fruit less appeal was made by Captain Dakin for recruits.
A H Robinson notifies in this issue that he has arranged with the Illawrra Company to connect with their steamer at Bermagui, and will convey passengers to and from the boats. His garage at Bermagui will shortly be connected with the telephone.
Cobargo has put up an admittedly good record in recruiting, but judging by the attitude of a number of young men who have only lately come to military age, that record is going to be considerably added to duriug the next month or two.
During the last few weeks casualties amang the Cobarge men at the front have been frequent, bringing home to the people here yiv iilly the danger our brave young fellows are so steadily facing. It I should move those kept in security to do all in their power for our so ldier lads.
Next Friday a day's sport will be held on the Park in honor of France Day-. The programme will commence at 10.30. and include children's events, tug-of-war, two football matches (junior mid school boys). A number of stalls will be conducted on the ground. The school children (if the day is a holiday) have been invited to march to the ground, and on arrival the assemblage will sing the French National Anthem. Hot water will be provided on the ground for picnic parties. At night a euchre tournament will be held in the supper room of the School of Arts and a ball in the main hall.
At a meeting of Loyal Cobargo Lodge, Manchester Unity, on Tuesday night, BRO. Pat Hammond resigned his office of financial secret ary. He wished to be relieved of the positiun owing to his intention to enlist sometime next month. Bro Hammond, though a young member has discharged his duties with ability and an enthusiasm undaunted by the amazing apathy of the majority of members. Bros. Kennelly and J Martin paid a tribute to Bro. Hammon his sterling Oddfellowship, and congratulated him on his patriotic intention. Bro Hammond, in responding, than thanks Bro. Kennelly for assistance give him at the time he undertook the duties of financial secretary, a raw recruit.- (Ref- The Cobargo Chronicle (NSW : 1898 - 1944)(about) Previous issue Saturday 7 July 1917 Next issue Previous page Page 1). Advertising 1 correction by djsmith - Show corrections From the Jeweller. 3 years guarantee SOLID. GOLD EXPANDING WRIST WATCH, 15 Jewel, lever move ment, £5/10/ ; others £4/10/- to £10. 3 years guarantee SOLID GOLD RIBBON WATCH, £3/15/ ; others to £6/10/. I8ct. Single Stone DIAMOND RINGS, from £3/10/- to £20. 18ct. DIAMOND' DRESS RINGS, nil designs, from £5 to £18/10/. 15ct. Diamond Bar BROOCHES, from £5 to £8/10/. : BEST ENGLISH GRAINED XYLONITE. Brush-ware, Hand-mirrors, Jewel-boxes, -Manicure Sets, Handker chief Boxes, etc. For Men. — Safety Rnzors, Military Brushes in Cases, Gold-mounted Pipes, Fountain Pens, Cigarette Cases, Etc. ? ? For Ladies.— Hand-bags, Perfumes and Perfume Sprays, etc., etc. J Post Office- Stores, Begs to tonounee that he has now ??/ ^«' . FOR : ; ? 9 7 L . . _ — : ? : — : — . . , ? — * Good Stocks Always Available. if.
H, T PHILLIPS, Proprietor
(Late of Forest Reefs and Gulgong)
Some of its advantages : —
EXCELLENT CUISINE. — Commercial and Public Dining Rooms.
The OFFICES of MR. N. B. MACKENZIE and MESSRS FRASER and OLIVER, TUMUT, will bo CLOSED on the MORNING of the 23rd INST., and those of MR. R. A. LESTER at MIDDAY on tho 17th INST.
We will offer the above, at the Sale Yards, Tumut, on SATURDAY NEXT. Guaranteed in perfect order.
Auctioneers, Tumut.
BOAT FOR HIRE. Safe and Comfortable Keel-bottom Boat, to ..carry Six Passengers. Apply R. S. SAMPSON, C/o Potts' Emporium, Tumut. Aaeiong o- Adelong Jockey Club Registered A.J.C. Affiliated S.D.R.
ANNUAL MEETING. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 and 2, 1925. FIRST DAY. To start at 2 p.m. 1. OPENING HANDICAP, of £1! 6fur., second horse to receiv £2 from stake. Norn. 5/, aci 7/. To start at 2.35 p.m. 2.
MAIDEN PLATE, of £10, 5fun second horse to receive £1 fror stake for maiden horses only Weight for age. Norn. 6/. To start at 3.10 .in.
3. ADELONG JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of £10, 6furs., second horse to receive £1 fron stake ; for any horse that have never won a cash prize exceeding £10 from any race at time of starting;
lowest handicaj weight 7st. Norn. 6/. To start at 4.15 p.m. . 5.
FIRST FLYING HANDICAP, of £15, 5furs., second horse to receive £2 from stake. Minimum weight 7st. Norn. 5/, Ace. 7/,
6. WELTER HANDICAP, of £15, 7furs., second horse to receive £2 from stake, minimum handi cap weight 8st. Norn. 5/. ace 7/. SECOND DAY. To start at 2 p.m. 1.
SECOND FLYING HANDICAP, of £15, 5furs., second horse to receive £2 from stake. Minimum weight 7st. Norn. 5/, ace. 7/. To start at 2.35 p.m. 2.
MAIDEN HANDICAP, of £10, 6furs., second horse to receive £1 from stake ; for maiden horses on|y. Nom. 6/. To start at 3.10 p.m. 3.
TOWN PLATE, of £20, 1 mile, second horse to receive £2 from stake. Handicap. Nom. 7/, ace. 8/. To start at 3.45 p.m. 4.
SECOND TRIAL HANDICAP, of £10, 5furs., second horse to receive £1 from stake for horses that have never won a cash prize exceeding £10 from any race at time of starting; lowest handicap weight 7st. Nom. -:6/.- ?????' To start at 4.15 p.m. 5.
NEWMARKET HANDICAP, of :£20, 6furs., second horse to receive £2 from stake. Nom. 7/, ace. 8/. To start at 5 p.m. 6.
FAREWELL HANDICAP, of £15, 7furs., second horse to receive £2 from stake. Minimum handicap weight 8st. Nom. 5/, ace. 7/. Handicapper : . T. M. Stackpool.
All ENTRIES CLOSE on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1924, at 8 p.m. AT TATTERSALL'S HOTEL, ADELONG. L. P. ROCHE, Secretary. 'Phone No. 33.
Dissolution of Partnership
NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned HERRICK ASHTON CORK and EVAN THOMAS SEGAL at present carrying on business both at Gundagai and Tumut as Ford Motor Car Dealers but latterly of Batlow Stock and Station Agents under the name of Cork and Segal has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the Eighth day of December, 1924.
All debts due to and owing by the said firm at the Gundagai Branch will be received and paid respectively by the said Herrick Ashton Cork and all debts due to and owing by the said firm at the Tumut Branch will be received and paid for by the said Evan Thomas Segal.
Henceforth the business at Tumut will be carried on by the said Evan Thomas Segal for his own benefit and the business at Gundagai will be carried on by the said Herriclc Ashton Cork for his own use and benefit. Dated this Eighth day of December, 1924. (Sgd) H. A. CORK, (Sgd.) E. T, SEGAL, Witness : — (Sgd.) R. A. LESTER, Solicitor, Tumut.
TUMUT HOSPITAL. CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR - PATIENTS. DONATIONS in MONEY or KIND for CHRISTMAS CHEER for the patients in the Tumut Hospital will be gratefully received by the Matron at the Hospital or by Mr. T. E, Wilkinson, treasurer, at his office. OLD LINEN is REQUIRED at the Hospital. Will those having any kindly send it in to C. E. JEPSEN, Secretary,
(O'BRIEN'S HALL) THE THE OTE THAT SETS THE STANDARD. V A picture aglow with the flaming syfc^^§5$£s /^'?i-X breath of impassioned love, adapted e /// 'ff/f A^-#^ l*v=- j f rom Marga'ret Peterson's novel, ^iiwf _A *^f^$y 'Dust of Love.'. Better than 'The / r-^ r 'FROM THE WINDOW OF MY 3_ MOT2M HOUSE' (Scenic). „ ~ '' 'it!! TOPICAL GAZETTE. F ^MW3 t^Jw%f^-U /I 'HIS B0S0M FRIENDS'' The Romance of rj ' (Comedy) a Desert Dancer jfl ^-3^{S^~ - ^$$5 USUAL PRICES. -«C^^-tf^?, Jh DON'T FORGET MATINEE / HI*. $T^\ /J^ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. /^*--fc^v /sUL '? 'J^r^C For a' ^a' en9a9ements see — » fir ^^(A^Vx \0 U J2!Ti3^'\u w ^^ *t it ( ^%s XWw ) ? Gar-l)utt I ' ^^^.v^O4^^*'^ O'Brien's Hall, Tumut.
FOR GOOD CHEER, get your REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES from C.T.A, HOUSE. STOUT, ALES, WINES, SPIRITS. All the best recgnised brands at the lowest possible prices. Visitors to Town are specially recommended to put up at the Commercial, where all the comforts of their own homes, with the added conveniences of a modern hotel, are available.
Lofty and Airy Apartments. Hot, Cold Plunge and Shower Baths.
Bookings arranged for Tourist Cars and any other services.
Dolls, Trains, Kewpies Dolls' Houses, Teddy Bears and a Huge Supply of Toys, the largest ever shown in Tumut.
BRUSH-WARE, and numerous other presents suitable for the Young Lady.
WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR -2_ SPfiiG kM SUftflflflEB GOODS DISPLAY, _£- CASH DRAPER, CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER. ^—°BB' ? ? Caspepssom's Buildings. ? (LATE ZMOOD'S) WYNYARD-ST., TUMUT. , announces THAT HIS SPRING SHIPMENT OF SPRING ITMS BO I tLoBBBj) II [LU B H i H il U - IWILilUlni&I HAS ARRIVED, AND THE PUBLIC WILL FIND THE CHOICEST RANGE OF GOODS EVER OPENED UP IN TUMUT. ' JUST LANDED— ' VoiieDsR!S^™«IER«JA-'rS '1 a' the latest P*t«™»-and colors, including - Gueoraettes- PJ's, etc., prices for which are finely cut, and the quality the very best, with guarantee that they will give every satisfaction The Quality is the very best, and the Prices the lowest.- Every article is marked In Plain Figures. - Call and Inspect You will then be induced to buy.
The New Proprietor, having taken over this well known favorite hotel, announces to his friends and the public generally that it will be conducted on the most modern lines.
Visitors will find the Post Office Hotel affords all the comforts and conveniences of a real home, with added close attention to their wants. - Nothing but standard brands of Wines, Beers and Spirits retailed.
Mrs. Benson personally directs the Cuisine and Accommodation Departments. GIVE US A CALL IN OR PHONE 9. A JOVIAL WELCOME FOR ALL.
On A/c THE TUMUT MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, THE GRAZING NIGHTS of the following for the coming 12 months: —
TOP. PARK, of 15 Acres.
LOWER PARK, 7 Acres.
EDWARD WILKINSON &. SON, Auctioneers, Tumut.
REALISATION SALE, EDWARD. WILKINSON & SON. HAVE received instructions from MESSRS. TOOTH & COY, LTD., Sydney, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at The Gilmore On the ground on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1924. at 2.30 0'clock: —
LAND, Containing 7ac. 1rd. 23pers.,
and BUILDINGS, Comprising Large Hall,
Store, Galvanised Iron Bar, Stables, Fowl House, Lumber Room, and 2 Small Sheds.
Also : 3 Tanks. Quantity Bricks and Burnt Iron.
The LAND will be sold separately from the BUILDINGS. TERMS AT SALE. EDWARD WILKINSON & SON, Land and Property Salesmen Tumut. - (Ref- Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post (NSW : 1900 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Friday 12 December 1924 Next issue Previous page Page 5).
1906 On page 4
Rain is anxiously awaited by every H ulike. Town water supplies ??«? ^^ TILBA is not a large place, but witbin last couple of years 30 residents have flown from there to southern Queensland. The government get some peculiar^ cations at times. A public meeting in Kiama last week decided to ask for a grant of £50 to make a tennis court. Mr R. J. Cork, of Tilba, returned to Queensland last week, where he had been to visit his son Herrick, who was ill.
He is still in Southport Hospital, suffering pleurisy.
M Kiama Council passed a resolution by Mr Morton, M.P., to have a clause uwj in the Local Government BxtensioaBJ give Councils power to assess all P™W rented by the Government and v»m Department. fl Thr wind on Sunday ^rrjoonamj alargeshedonMrF.WCor'sWo^l farm!9 It parted the roof at tta -n kM half goin- over one side and to-*'M opposite side. Fences throojAj- ;* | trict also suffered considerably by the « sive blow on that day. ? Twm-The Yattah players Bomaderry represents in court to-day. By the way, , whj «J« of the challenge accept* ^M*J| Yattah a few weeks ago, «**JM deferred pending some .mprovemen™ Milton Court? . . ? Towns bad won ^ r^$ toJ rheumatism, and afte^e^ j| miles, in^ he esw ^j about 40 yards - record ^ - pave way, ana w winner* Townsthen rowed on. nj» .^
On page 5
W~lc friends are prepanng a Concert in aid of their Church funds. t^tiii due course. W^Cn Warden donated his second ? MR AdTn the School of Arts billiard t^L^t^ the bmLd table acct. v. if SchooT of Arts billiard room (^mont ? jHE S«10?' ° , ti,,,, two more tourna KTEWM **? of Croobyar, ISanumberofheifersoa Monday to W&. From thence they were destined liCtetind onTaturday played fast I He w th some of our riflemen at the 1° Ses With a number of them it ESS nine shots to find the Urget. WM official estimate of the population of It South Wales on June 30th last gives Kl 1,514,240, of. whom 804 740 Ere males. Tho quarter's increase totalled ? Mrs Meares, wife of the manager of the ?total Society, has (says the Bega « Star ') ?an seriously ill with meningitis, several If the leading doctors of Sydney being in Attendance on her. W ^g aaain remind our readers of the Con Lrt to take place in the School of Arts on ?Tuesday night in aid of the Congregational ?hard) funds. Everything points to a tip lop and successful entertainment. I MEHindmarsh, M.P., states the Federal Minister has agreed to allow the North ?hast (Byron Bay) Co. to grade its own Ratter. In common fairness we suppose a Eke concession will be given to every factory
In the State Billiard Tournament. — Mr Adani'War* Ken easily defeated Mr A. Smart on Saturday night in the semi-final of the School of Arts billiard tournament; and Mr C. Hes Eon on Monday night beat Mr Warden in foe final. ; ' I Li the parish of West Nelligen, county ?St. Vincent, portions 110 to 1 1 3 inclusive Lid 116 to 119, varying in area from 15 ?acres 3 roods to 27 acres 3 roods, have been let aside for O.C.P. only at the rateof 30/ neracre, available on and after August 31st instant. ? ^ ;? . \ ??. I Poultry. — Attention is draijm to Mr Ilittlewood's businessannouncement in this jkue. No. 1 pen provides a rare vopportu Rry of uadoubtedty high standing 'from a Baying point of view, and js a chance that jthould not be missed. Good stock is the foundation of success. ? ? . . i j Mb Weston announces that he will be in jMihon about, Wednesday pexfc .with, his [Merry- go-round and open air concert jserfor iiners, remaining for one week. At IVIoriiya on Wednesday, where races were held in aid of the Benevolent Society, Mr Weston gave the committee the use of his machine for the day, deducting expenses only.
We take the last opportunity of directing Mention to the Concert and Ball to be held in Ulladulla next Friday night, under whos auspices of the Ulladulla Cricket Club. Uur Harbour knights of the willow purpose repairing their wicket, which it stands in need of and it is to raise the necessary raws (hat the entertainment is being held.
Sale.— Attention is again drawn to the sale next week by Mr Cork on account of W Cambage, who is making a complete Clearance of his high class herd. Mr Cambage has devoted no end of trouble and expense to bring his herd up to a very Z-l U,ndard of -Jua%- w«ich to day it is, A I ??°said should offer good opportunity T^en to strengthen and improve Z TTf , Sale 0Q Wednesday, commen ts at 12 o'clock noon.
Kit'nfu^00™6— The Central Tffl» asDeuubls out with a capital suggestion todi™ ? keePing 'P the interest in J 'Tov!nS 'fle shooting in the districts an £ ^Proposal. The idea is that ^socation be formed of the clubs from Monf S°Uthrrd» on the coasfc. ftnd those of ^JJ^eacholabto nominate a team of KQBth'a two emergencies,' for a 6 W enl °Ttition ' shooting to be conduc «MieT/ -nateS!aturday. each member presenSm-!LnninS the competition to W ™ Wlfch an inscribed gold medal. H BORnFVWas7Mose8 whe» fche light went ^mornin^ a? night-or rafcnei- Wednes'-' S&oltf Ag* Zms the -PW8«»8 °* the to one of ft I dancea gentleman retired ke T the, dttnce. He apparently kde \C r°h ^grossed in his JiS lfttheProLS d not n^.ce\.a,.lull. S«edl 8S until some time Md ft the lich?H h\found -*** everyone had Welf ,*nt8.out. the place locked u,p and Ambling ovjr80!16'- Eventually,, after !-«*fuSh . aud 8UDdry X)ther ^ekey CS ^ fie found a door wifc' yiI18ldeandmade good his escape, Band piays out to-uight S5BSSpftf5S5 £2 Is' P lhe ProceedH Amounted to The Federal Treasurer announced m his Budget Speech on Tuesday ast that there is to be penny postage throughout Australia and the Empire from October next. * Football.— The match on Satur uy llUUdf r 21-s ' versas cadets, was abandoned after the former team had scored 17 to nil. The school boys versus ex-school boys ended in a draw, 6 points each. The loss on the Illawarra line from Sydney to Kiama for the year ended 30th June, as stated in the report of the Railway Commissioners present ted to Parliament ou Tuesday last was £22,778, while the Kiama to Nowra section showed a deficiency of £12,914. An unprecedented scene was witnessed at Bendigo railway station last week, when the special train containing the Rev H. Worrall left for Melbourne, where the rev. gentleman had been summoned to the bar of the House. An immense crowd gathered and hymns were sung. Prayers were offered, and enthusiastic cheering took place when the Rev Worrall entered his carriage, and were repeated as the train moved off down the line. The rev. gentleman appeared at the bar of the House, but declined to re tract anything or apologise. The House passed a resolution of censure. The rev gentleman returned to Beifdigo and met with a similar demonstration upon his re turn. He was summoned to appear before the House owing to remarks of his in a ser mon condemning the government for not putting down gambling, and indirectly blaming them for the death of the man recently kicked to death on the Melbourne;' rac-» course. 'f The position of affairs over the School of Arts election has not improved with time. T4ict/ifro Vitite-IVesijdantB {D* Young ujnd Mr Grace) have sent along their resignations. Apart from the by-law requiring the balance sheet to be audited seven days be fore the annual meeting, to us tbe question is simply this : Was the meeting right in electing officers and committee befoie the presentation and acceptance of tbe Treasu rer's statement 1 It certainly is irregular, but against this there is the Chairman's ruling, and surely a chairman has some lattitude to meet local circums ancesi It must be remembered the annual meeting merely stands adjourned to receive the balance sheet. The President has wisely stated the case to the Minister for Educa tion for his opinion. Digitisation generously supported by more info State Library of NSW Digital Excellence Program Digitisation generously supported by State Library of NSW. - (Ref- The Ulladulla and Milton Times (NSW : 1891 - 1917)(about) Previous issue Saturday 4 August 1906 Next issue Previous page Page 1).
THE CHRONICLE. /or the ctutt* thalark8 nutittanre, ¦F»r <• * wrong* that need resmtunca, iVi the f uture in the iluUmee' And the yund'that toe can do. SATURDAY. JULY 7. ISM 7. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Euchre tournament and dance ai Dit;na mis Creek last (light in ajii of Fiance Day. Mr Napthali, dentist, is in town, at Ins ol(! address, Hammond's Hotel. He will remain a week. Dr Cozens, dentist, is in town at Oourlay'6 Hotel, and will prac tice here until Friday next week. .Reported that Mr McWilliam, who cteated t-uch a stir when he contested Bega seat three years ano, is married again. Well, he always was a stout champion of the second ballot. Euchre tournament and ball next Friday night in the School of Arts in aid of France Day. Collectors are busy appealing for the fund, and report just a few disappointments. Mr E Chegwidden. who w»s recently operated upon, is now able to receive visitors with a flourish of crutches, and expects soon to return to business. For the past fortnight he had been tended by Nurse Merton, of Bega. Mr and Mrs L Goldman left for Sydney hurriedly on Saturday last, on news being received of the illness of Mrs Solomon. The old ladv is well known in Cobargo, having resided here for lengthy periods at a time. A paper famine is imminent' and newspapers are rushing to purchase stocks to tide them over the shortage. One paper puis it that if overdue subscriptions were all paid up there would be no dif ficulty in it« case of meeting the crisis. Bega is arranging a tremendous demonstration for France Day. Friend "Smithv.," of the "Star." is. org-inising a team of fat men to appear in a fancy dress foot ball match against a lean team, and the organiser threatens to ¦coineout in the character of Char lie Chaplin, the movie comedian. This day, commencing at 12 /frtolaak, M and J O'Reilly will lewidnct an "important clearance' sale at Coolagolite, on account of Mr Harrv Ginns, who is leaving /or Queensland The lengthv list lis printed in th:s issue. Lunch eon provided. M and J O'Reilly will conduct & sale of cattle and pigs at their vards next Thurs day, at 2 o'clock. The list is ad vertised. Just after the sale of 6(ock. Beach House, Berinagui, together with a -cottage on an ad joining lot will be offered at auc tion. MrCheck, photographer artist, lias prepared a handsome design for Cobargo District Photographic Roll of Honor, which is to be sub mitted to a public meeting for approval. The Roll of Honor is on view at (he studio, and inspec tion is invited. Mr Arthur .S mi titers, accom panied b> Dr. Barlow, made the trip from Sydney to Bermaaui this week in a launch While the crew were ashore near Nowra. the launch got beached, but, we understand, was successful!* floa ted off. Mrs Smithers also ar rived during the week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Ginns. Our old friend. Mr Alf Bennett., many years ago assistant at Co bargo post office, has returned to us as relieving officer. He is act ing postmaster here during Mr Taylor's absence. Mr Bennett is «fill the same agreeable and ob liging official, and shook.the glad hand of many old friends this week. Building has taken a lioom in Cobargo. Our RC. friends are leading the wav in the erection of a handsome Convent, while on Saturday the tiominittee let Mr Thatcher a further contract for kthe building of a Convent school, price i>574. When these build ings are completed, the parishion ers of -St. Mary's may be well proud - of the Jne edifices they have erected since ti parish prie6t became resident here. A Bega friend wrote us infor mation of the result of the muni cipal ballot in that town "There are no 'Braines* in the Council *iow," he -savs ; "Father Braine did not cr.ntest, and sun Harold was defeated, still Solomon is a wise man, and recently proved that to ef t drink out of a locked bar it whs necessarv to get in, ^Venrlf a door had to be unlocked |#r the purpose. ' 'A letter from Wes Zincel from Yankeeland this week states he is well recovered from a late ser ious .accident. He speaks enthus "lasticajl.v'of America's thorough-. Jii*ss in preparing to commence hostilities against G-erman.v. Oar riew Ally got sick of writing and has tatc**n to fighting./ President Wilson is the niah for the job now that war has been declared, piid Uncle SamVsmite when Jie Jjfct# going will shake "the gol llirned CerniAj) Empire." Mr Taylor, postmaster, has en tered upon six weeks' holiday. Mra \V Thtdan in ill in a Syduej hospital. Cobargo hoys were defeated by a Quaama team oil Saturday bj- 6 to 5. A team of Tilba junior football ers visit Cubargo for a match this afternoon. A social will he held at Wan della on Friday, July 27, in aid of th.*Red Triangle Fund. Mr LJ Hurley, formerly edit or of Moruya "Times," has been promoted to the rank of Lieut Colonel in the British arm v. It is estimated that there are 140,000 single men between the aae of 18 and 44 in Australia fit for military service. Mr 0 J) F raser has connected his residence with the Cub^irgo tele phone exchange. He announces that in future he will meet the st eamer at Bermagui, conveying pas sengers either way. A Palmer, nephew ot'MrJas. Moorhead, has enlisted. The young soldier's father was station ed in Cubargo many years >igo in conqe^tiou with the Methodist mis sion. Messrs Chas. Gough and Jas Jubb, of Cobargo, have been ap pointed Justices of the Peace. Also, Mr Walter Hanscoinbe, of Bega, and Mr J Baldwin, of Bro Ro. Mr Joe Jewell, just elected an alderman ol Bena Council, is an employee at Whyman's coach building establishment. He is the only employee among the al dermen. Two jnore of our patriotic young men have announced their inten tion to enlist. .They are employe! in the same establishment, and will go into camp together as mate*, ihere is talk also of a couple of volunteers comicg aloug from Tan to. Quaama, which is consistently patriotic, is organising for a spe cial effort on 20th instant in aid of Prance Dav fund. Subscrip tion lists have been opened, and a social is to be held at night. Particulars next issue. The Federal Govt, has deter mined upon a policy to give pre ference in employment to return ed soldiers, and no fit man-of military ane will be employed in a position that could be filled by a returned soldier. It is probable S-ate Govts, will adopt a similar policy. This issue of the "Chronicle" begins a new quarter. Subscribe now to the only paper printed in Mum bulla Shire. No paper so well serves the resident as the local paper. We have just com pleted three years and nine mon ths in the control of the "Chron icle" and durini? that time have co thank the people for 6olid sup port. A workman in Svdnev had the top of his thumb jambed, and un der the Workmen's Compensation Act secured a verdict for .£300 damages. An appeal was lodged. Minor acciden.s, which previous Iv workmen took as a matter of course, will now assume a grea ter importance by the "go slow" element in our industrial life, and work will be regarded from a new standpoint. There's always a ch ance of an accident, you know— (Exchange). Becruitfi are still urgently need ed to lill tiy the gaps in the lines of our, brave Australian comrades at the front. Particularly ae Infantry reinforcements. - Men ou enlist ment may apply to be allotted to any battalion in which their com rades may already be Hyhting in. Foiv spurting men there are still vacancies in the 2nd "Sportsmans Unit" which consistsof all "Sports" Members of riffe clubs arc reminded that they can distinguish themsel ves as snipers in the 2sT.ll.A. 150 which when the unit is full are go ing to the front under JDnpt. J)ukin late secretary of the N.B A. In tending recruits for all units should communicate at once with Lieut. Cork, Recruiting Olficer, Jv'owra, staling their age. A progress list of subscriptions to Cobaigo France Day fund is published on our back page. Kea.l the list, and if your name Woes not appear, cotrect the omission before the subscription closes. There is ntom'on the list for .every man in the district, and tlie right place lor every name is among the subscrib ers. l'here is no need to be told of ? tie dire distress in France. Our very .own sol iiers in letters reach ing us—men known personally to every Oobargoite—tell _us of the wanton destruction committed by the Germans and fhe ruin-on all sides in ^ once Beautiful Franc. Married men and single alike aie fighting the common' 'foe, every man wiiu is able isJbi'aring arms, and the. enormous list of dead, has left thousands upon thousand? of widows ami orphans to he cared for hy the united Wforts of the Al lies. „ " Hooper's Electric Pictures sii- i own! lo a good home in Cobnrgo! Oil Wednesday ni^ht. - Church of England MM'viees fur to-morrow; TiIIm 11 (It l\]. lii^ iiuttiR 2 30, Cobargo " 3d. This w«ek iv? recpivj'f] a photo of Pie. Fred Mothev for Cobargo District Roi{ of Honor. Mr Wind)combe, M.L.0-. v.-ho was a passenger on the mined Mongolia, died in India as a re sult of exposure. Mr Jack Tiirlinton takes posses sion of tfie Australian Stores busi ness on or about 1st August. At this week's meeting of Mum bulla Shire Council, the salary of the very capable clerk, Mr Crowe, was increased by £52. The Slurs anil Stripes wore fly ing in Cobargo on the Qloiious Fourth. Old townsman G Martin stood to attention and saluted. Mrs W Thelan, who lias been six weeks n patient in South Sydney hospital, underwent t successful operation, and is now doing well. M and J O'Reilly have now 600 head of cattle listed for their-spe cial B.ile on 26th July. Seethe at tractive lines advertised in this is sue. In a letter from Batlow, Mr Herrick Cork, who pioneered the '¦entral Tilba motor service, says that in the western town he nas a good motor business in summer. Mumbulla Shire maintenance men have commenced work at Her magui putting pipes across the road iu substitution lor the old surface crossings. Guod utWs for travel lers. Many inquiries Im-e been made as to "when are Charlie Gough and Jiin Jubb coming into town auaifi?" They have just been made Js.P., and seem to be wanted badly to ad judicate "on a case." The collectors are only asking for one day's wages in connection with (he France Day appeal. It isn't inucli, but in •(lie aggregate will amouiit to a substantial sum. There should be i«o shirkers when tile lists are completed. Check, the photographer, is still in town, owing to the business be ing red hot I have decided to stay here till further notice. Don't keep ine waiting, bring your work along. Enlargements 35s framed, same work costs £2 10s elsewhere.* At Bombala a meeting convened by the Mayor to consider whatsh- j ould be done for local returned so ldiers was attended by four people. 1 The local paper mentions (he num ber in bij: letters. At night i fruit less appeal was made by Captain Da kin for recruits. A H Robinson notifies in this is sue that he has arranged with the Illaw^rra Company to connect with their steamer at Bermagui, and will convey passengers to and from (he boats. His garage at Bermagui will shorted be connected with the telephone. Cobargo has put up an admit tedly tin« record in recruiting, but judging bjf the attitude of o num ber of young men (who have only lately come to military age), (hat record is going to be considerably added to duriug the next month or BO. During ffie last few weeks cas ualties nmang the Cobarge men at the front have been ..frequent, br inging home to the people here yiv iilly the danger our brave young fellows are so steadily facing. It I should move those kept in security to do all in their power for our so ldier lads. Next Friday a day's sport will be held on the Park in honor of France Day-. The programme will commence at 10.30. and include children's events, tug-of-war, two football matches (junior mid school boys). A number of stalls will be conducted on the ground. The sc hool children (if the day is a holi day) have been invited to march to the ground, and on arrival the as semblage will sing the French Na tional Anthem. Hot water will be provided on the ground for picnic parties. At night a euchre tourna ment will be held in the supper room of the School of Arts and a ball in the main hall. At a meeting of Loyal Cobargo Lodge, Manchester Unity, on Tues day night, B'O. Pat Hammond re signed his office of financial secret ary. He wished to be relieved of the po«itiun owing to his intention to enlist some time next month. Bro Hammond, though a young member, has discharged hiB duties with ability and an enthusiasm un daunted by the amazing apathy of the majority of members. Bros. Kennelly and J Martin paid a tri bute to Bro. Hammon I's sterling Odtlfellowship, and congratulated him on his patriotic intention. Bro Hammond, in responding, thaniceri Bro. Kennelly for assistance giveu him at the time he undertook tho duties of financial secretary, "a raw recruit.Fix this text Digitisation generously supported bymore info 1 of 4 Bega Valley Shire Council Digitisation generously supported by 1 of 4Bega Valley Shire Council Digitisation generously supported bymore info 2 of 4 Library Council of New South Wales Digitisation generously supported by 2 of 4Library Council of New South WalesDigitisation generously supported bymore info 3 of 4 NSW Government Revitalising Regional Libraries Grant Digitisation generously supported by 3 of 4NSW Government Revitalising Regional Libraries GrantDigitisation generously supported bymore info 4 of 4 State Library of New South Wales