Zone Rural
Run No.159
Acres. 40,000
1848 Report. - No.159. Smyth and De Salis, per L. F. De Salis. Name of run, Darbalar. Estimated area, forty thousand acres, Estimated grazing capabilities, two hundred cattle, ten thousand sheep.
Bounded on the north by the River Murumbidgee upwards, from its junction with the Tumut River, to a main gully about a quarter of a mile west from Leggin's house;
thence joining the runs of Leggins, Quilter, Luff, and T. Howe, by the said gully to the summit of the dividing range between the Murumbidgee and Adjinbilly Creek;
thence along the summit of the dividing range till the line meets the Gobarralong Road;
thence down the said road to the Adjinbilly Creek, thence up the said creek till it touch on the extreme southern boundary of T. Howe's run one mile above Murphy's residence;
thence up and along the said boundary to the summit of the dividing range between the Oak and Adjinbilly Creeks;
thence southward joining with C. O'Brien's along the said summit till meet the Black range;
thence down the ridge of the Black range to the Adjinebilly Creek;
thence across the said creek, and joining Mr. Fergusson's, up the main arm of the Rocky Creek to the Red Hills, whence down the ridge jutting opposite the woolshed of Captain M'Donald on the Adjinebilly Creek:
thence up the said creek to the first range-spur of the Shaking Boy; thence joining Messrs. C. and A. Macdonnell, along the ridge to the summit of the dividing range between the Adjinebilly and Tumut waters;
thence northward by a line along the summit till it meet the head of the creek upon which Fitzgerald resides;
thence down the said creek till its junction with the Spring Creek; thence joining Kiley's, up to the said Spring Creek to a point such that a line running due west shall pass through another point half a mile north of Cox's old residence on Brungal Creek;
from Spring Creek along the said line to Brungal Creek,joining in part on Perceval's;
thence joining Keighran's down Brungal Creek to the gully between the Bald and Stockyard Hills; thence up the said gully across the gap, and down the corresponding gully to that Oak Creek, which springs from the Kangaroo ground;
thence up the said Oak Creek to a point half a mile south of the old sheep station near the waterholes;
thence joining Osborne's, along Osborne's road to the summit of the Big Hill Range;
thence along the summit till it join the range which divides the Blind Creek from other waters;
thence along the summit to the main gully leading down the green arm at the head of the Durilalura Lagoon;
thence down the said gully to Osborne's fence on the said Lagoon; thence along this fence to the Tumut River, and thence down the Tumut River till its junction with the Murrumbidgee River.- (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Monday 16 October 1848).
This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavors have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact
John Stephenson