BLOWERING. - A fancy dress ball was held on Friday, night last at Mr. T. Morris' place on Upper Blowering. About 25 couples attended. The night was beautifully cool. Dancing commenced about 8 p.m. and was indulged in until 4 o'clock next morning. At 1 a.m. on Saturday a capital spread was partaken of, and during the night songs were rendered by Mr. Thos. Stanfield, who gave "Chlorine " and a parody on "Sunny Tennessee," and Mr. C. Guy sang "Sentenced to Death." The fancy dresses were pretty and most becoming. Young "Tom" in his clown suit was the admired of the evening with the fair sex. The music was provided by Miss Gertie Wall (Westwood) violin, and Messrs Stanfield Bros, (concertina). Mr. W. Stanfield worthily carried out the duties of M.C. At the close, the company dispersed, each to his or her respective home, well satisfied with the host and hostess entertainment.
On Saturday last at West Blowering the fire of Monday night last broke out again, but little damage is at present anticipated other than to grass and fences. The fire is confined to the West Blowering Station. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 10 January 1905 Page 4).
1909 - Blowering - MOST delightful weather has been the order of things during the last few days. The winter rains have had a most beneficial effect on all sides and everything gives promise of an agreeable and prosperous Spring. Our rainfall to date for the year is 32.78 points. Blowering racquet wielders were to have played Tumut Plains last Saturday, but they disappointed Blowering at the last moment, causing considerable trouble to the secretary and lady members.
Blowering Tennis Club have just concluded a tournament, Mr. D. Beattie winning the medal donated by Mr. S. Gilbey and Miss A Bridle the racquet donated by the club. Many of the games were very closely contested, which speaks well for the clear decisions of the handicappers.
A very pleasant evening of a social character eventuated at Mr. A, H. Watts' place on Friday night last. Dancing and singing were in dulged in. We believe it took the form of a surprise party.
A Potato Growers' Association has been establised with headquarters at Crookwell to protect the interests of those engaged in this industry.
Before the Postal Commission the general secretary of the Farmers amd Settlers' Assocation protested, on behalf of his Association, against any curtailment of the country service. It was contented that increased and cheapened facilities, postal and telephonic, and telegraphic, were necessary for the development of outlying country districts. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 31 August 1909 Page 4).
1910 - BLOWERING. - The weather is exceedingly warm and dry for this time of the year, and bush fires seem to be the order of the day. Unless a copions fall of rain soon comes the outlook for the winter will be none too bright. The green shoot in the grass occasioned by last fall is beginning to show signs of burning off. The crops, though looking well in the field, do not, on closer inspection, give the same promise as in other year.
Owing to the continued dry weather dairying is almost at a standstill, except where dairymen are supplied with a store of green fodder.
The roads are inohes deep in dust and in a very bad state.
Last Thursday, while trout fishing in the Tumut River at Blowering Mr. S. E. Gilbey landed a fine male specimen of trout whioh turned the scale at 41bs. The fish proved a great fighter and made good use of the long stretoh of water in which it had no doubt been accustomed to live. The angler had a rather exciting time before landing it. Other fish have been seen in the same locality, but they are very shy.
Other sport is very dead, but we learn that Blowering Tennis Club is moving to make a start at an early date, as soon as it gets somewhat cooler. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 5 April 1910 Page 3).
1914 - BLOWERING - A social in aid ot the local public school was held on Wednesday night. It was amongst the most enjoyable and best attended that has taken place here, 30 couples being present. The music for the dance was supplied by Messrs Stanfiald Bros, and Messrs W. and Dive Stanfield acted M. C. The ladies provided a sumptuous supper and deserve a special word of praise for the lively interest shown in the undertaking. - (Ref- Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post (NSW : 1900 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Friday 7 August 1914 Page 3).
1917 - BLOWERING - The Rev. Father Sharkey, P.P., visited Blowering on Wednesday for the Easter Ration Mass was celebrated at Mr T. Sullivan's.
Mr Frank Halloran met with a very serious accident. He was engaged in mending a wheelbarrow. It was necessary to pare down a piece of wood and he commenced to do so on a large round log. The stick, slipped and the axe struck him on the wrist. The blood started to flow in a yery strong manner and he was fortunate in attracting the attention of Mr and Mrs Jack Halloran; for shortly after their arrival lie became exhausted. A tourniquet was immediately applied and a hurried trip made to town. Dr Cloyton did all that was necessary, and Mr Halloran is now slowly recovering. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 12 June 1917 Page 2).
1917 - BLOWERING - Our school has been closed since Mr Holman's policy speech at Gundagai. The teacher, Mr P. F. Loughlin, was the selected P.L.L,. candidate for Burraogong and immediately left to contest the seat and was elected. He left Blowering on Thursday last to take up his parliamentary duties. No word has yet been received of anyone been applied to take his place.
Our former teacher Mr J. McLennan, did not care for the school near Albury, obtained a removal to the visage 0'Connell, near Bathurst.
The Blowering road which is now perhaps one of the greatest highways in the State, is beginning to get busy with winter traffic. Drover Murphy passed with a big mob of sheep, and now Drover R. Beck is piloting the second mob for Mr A. W. Austin, Lake Midgeon, Narandera. They were in fine condition, which speaks well for the grass an the snowlands of the South.
Mr J. Sullivan, assisted by Mr. J. Hargreaves, efficiently carried out the duties at our polling booth. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 3 April 1917 Page 3).
1917 - BLOWERING - We have just had tbe first big break in the weather since the floods. For a month there was a fall ran oŁ sunshine. The two stations (Blowering and Wermationg) made good headway with shearing during the spell. The farmers worked from sunrise till dark and the great bulk of the corn is in and in many paddocks it is up and growing strongly. The flats and hillsides as far as the eye can see are covered with a fine coat of grass and wild flowers, especially the white daisy, are out in myriads.
The number ot swarms of bees between tbe 7th and 10th of last month was greater than any previous record. The season for honey should be exceptionally good as the mountain trees of all kinds have flowered abundantly during the past few months. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 27 November 1917 Page 4).
1918 - BLOWERING - The Very Rev. Fr, Sharkey, P.P, visited Blowering on Tuesday. Mass was celebrated at Mr. T. Sullivan's in the presence of a large congregation.
Mr. Joseph Keboe, who was in charge of the Blowering school for many years, is staying at Mr. F. J. Bourke's. His many friends were delighted to see him again. He is stationed hear Young, the cherry town, whence about 1000 cases are despatched daily, Mr, Keboe is quite a giant in stature to when previously with us, some 24 years ago.
The weather during Xmas and New Year time was exceedingly hot and oppressive. On Sunday evening, January, 6, we had a fine shower ;Further towards "Kosciusko it is said to have done considerable damage, Tuesday afternoon brought another, which terminated like the previous one about Jones' Bridge. Tbe summer rain from Mt. Kosciusko way very seldom passes the snow circle, Wednesday afternoon things were reversed, and it started to blow a gale from the north. Great flashes of lightning soon began to cut the heavens. Thunder in a concentrated form could be heard in the distance, At twenty five minutes to nine the first report was to hand. During the next five minutes the Blowering Valley resounded with three heavy thunder bolts. Immediately afterwards it commenced to rain and the district received one of tbe finest falls since the great flood. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 15 January 1918 Page 3).
1918 - BLOWERING. - Mr and Mrs T. Quilty, of "River View," Blowering have had news that their son, Capt Dr W. D. Quilty, was awarded the Military Cross " for work done under fire with the stretcher bearers at an advanced dressing post." The Military Order recipient; was educated at Blowering public sohool. From there he prooeeded to St. Patrick's College, Goulburn, and was " Dux " in 1910. He took out his degree as Batchelor of Medicine At Sydney University, and was immediately appointed house doctor to the Mater Miaericordin Hospital, Brisbane. After passing through Enoggera Military Camp, Brisbane, he proceeded to England, where he did a large amount of hospital work before being appointed to the front. His brother, Signaller Frank Quilty, is a few miles distant in France. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 19 March 1918 Page 2).
1918 - BLOWERING. - It is reported that the road near the 12 mile peg on the Tumut-Kiandra Road is in a bad state of repair. One of the planks is partly gone and one or more are going in the same direction.
A very serious state of affairs exists below the Blowering Public School. Several panels of the fence protecting the traffic from the river have fallen into the stream. The road at this point is only a few yards wide, having baen cut off the edge of a mountain spur. It is almost a sharp turn. Should a motor car meet a restless horse at this point it is nearly certain that the horse will turn into the river, which is very deep. Both places want immediate attention. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 2 July 1918 Page 3).
1923 - BLOWERING. - Part of our troubles on the road to Tumut is over, the Engineer having got a fine level road round the side of the hill near Mr. Fred. Oddy's. A new road has been cut and practically finished, traffic now passing over it. The old road appears to have been washed out in many places by the last fresh. There is still a lot to be done. The flood water banks up to a great depth in front of Mr. Spicer's, and another piece of road is necessary there. The road between that point and Mr. J. Johnson's wants the Shire roller on it. Motor cars at least want something fairly level. The various holes that need filling up are too numerous to particularise. A small flood-bridge to carry cars, milk vans and sulkies is still frequently required at Jones' Bridge. - (Ref- The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 17 July 1923 Page 3).