- log creek running through - owned by Patrick Halloran
- log creek running through - owned by Patrick Halloran
- log creek running through - owned by Patrick Halloran
- owned by Patrick Halloran
Log creek running through - owned by Patrick Halloran
- log creek running through - owned by Patrick Halloran
- owned by Patrick Halloran
Mr Patrick Halloran married miss Helena
In 1942 Miss Mary Angela Halloran married Mr Alan John Guthrie in Tumut, NSW - (Ref:- NSW BDM No. 25755). Angela & Alan were to evenually take over the running of the property and rare her family there and stay until the resumption in about 1966. This kept the property in the family ownership for three (3) generations. As at the 8th July, 2009, Angela was still living in Tumut with her family and was 101 years of age and doing well.
Alphonsjus – who didn’t marry
John (Jack) married Bridget McFarlane? - Kathleen, Anne, Patricia and Maureen
Angela (Alan Guthrie) – Angela, Mary, Patricia, Geraldine and John
Margaret Edwin (Ted) Groves – Bernard, Peter and Michael (who was killed about 1983)
Bridget (Dominic White) - Dominic
Bernard married Bessie? at Adaminaby had a family of five or six
Mary (Mrs Hayes),
Catherine (Mrs Wm Kell),
Annie Elizabeth married Mr Rowley L Blakeney in Tumut and they who had two sons James (who became Monsignor Blakeney) and John. Annie died at the age of 91 in 1970. Rowley died on 5 July 1956.
and Bridget (Sister M Jane Frances of the St. Joseph’s order).
(Ref:- Angela Crane, Granddaughter.)