
Killimicat, Tumut River

Run No. 100


Tumut River

Leahy and Rail, 12,800 Acres

1849 - CROWN LANDS BEYOND THE SETTLED DISTRICTS. - (From a Supplement to the Government Gazette.) - CAVEATS AGAINST CLAIMS TO LEASES. - CROWN Lands Office, Sydney, March 5, 1849. — With reference to the several notices in the Government Gazette, publishing claims to leases of runs beyond the settled districts, it is hereby notified, for the information of all parties interested, that caveats have been received against the claims specified in the accompanying list.

2. It is to be understood that no new caveats, having reference to demands already advertised, will be received after the present date, except for special cause show.

3. Parties interested will be allowed personal access, if they so desire it, to the caveats already lodged, on application at this office.

4. Any caveat may be withdrawn by the party lodging it on a written application being made to that effect, the signature to such application being attested by a Justice of the Peace, or a Commissioner of the Supreme Court. 5. If within two months from the present date the caveat in any case shall not be withdrawn, as above, the demand to which it relates will be referred for the investigation of a Commissioner, appointed under the Act of Council, 11 Vic., No. 61, and the parties subjected to the expense of that proceeding.

GEORGE BARNEY, Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands.

MURRAMBIDGEE.- No. of claim as gazetted

1. Name of applicant for lease -

Alleyne Elisa.. Name of run applied for to lease - Uroly. Party lodging caveat against the issue of such lease-. O. Hill.

2. Atkin John Drew, (now W. H. Broughton and Atkin, Bundalurala, James B. Wall;

6. Broughton J. A., (now II. Burchett,) Mundongudgee, George Shelly ;

6. Broughton J. A., (now H. Burchett,)Mundongudgee, 0. and J. Mooro ;

7. Broughton and Bingham, (now A. Bloxsome, Yatee, Slyvester and Smyth.

8. Beckham Thomas, Cavflp, T. G. L. Williams:

9. Bardwell Thomas Hill, Ten Mile Creek, J. C. Whitty ;

IO. Bardwell Thomas Hill, Oberne, George Galvin;

10, Bardwell Thomas Hill, Oberne, J, H. Mate*

11. Bray John, Harry Jerry, William Dcavor;

13. Best William. Wogga Wagga, Jamca 1Ï. Wall ;

13. Best William, Wagga Wogga, Owen and Pring;

13. Bust William, Wagga Wogga, J. G. Church ;

16. Boyd H. (now W. S. Boyd), Deniliquin, Henry Hmchrtt )

16. Boyd B, (now W. S. Bovd), lHniliqnin. George Shaw.

15. Boyd B. (now W. S. lloyd). Deniliquin, 0. Barber;

15. Boyd I, (now W. S. B.yd) Deniliquin, William Lester;

17. Boyd 1. (now W. S. Bovd), Noimar, Messrs. Gwynne;

l8. Lloyd B. (now W. S. Boyd), Ñyangor Lower Edward, Messrs. Gwynne ;

10. Bell and Wibton, Murray Downs, C1arles Manton;

'J'. Beavor William, Collingully, James E. Wall ;

20. Beaver William, Collingully, J. G. Church ;

21. Barber Charles, Wannock. Huen and Lester ;

22. Bradley William, Bullanamang, Crawford and Brayshaw ;

23. Bradley William, Bullanamang, Thomas Rourke ;

24. Buckland John, Billabong, Matthew Pearce ;

25. Bell Alfred, Jerry Jerry, John Morrice;

31. Church John George, Uranquintey, James E. Wall;

31. Church John George, Uranquintey, William Best;

31. Church John George, Uranquintey, William Beaver ;

40. Dight John, Bungowannah, William Leiter;

41. Downie, Robert - Gilmore Creek, Messrs. Broughton;

43. Evans George and Joseph Shepherd now A. P. Onslow, Uratto, John Peter ;

45. Foote Thomas V., Table Top, Thomas Mitchell ;

45. Foote Thomas V., Table Top. John Morrice;

40. Furguson R. 1)., Gooroomyragong, L. F, De SalU;

48. Galvin George, Oberne, J. H. Bardwell, per Dunsmure and Longmore;

4S. Galvin George, Oberne, T. H. Mate;

52. Gordon Samuel Dcnnr, BUlandra, John Peter ;

45. Orten E. if., Bommngdad, Uav and Chalmers;

55. Green E. B., Bnrham, Hoy and Chalmers ;

56. Quito Williim, Cunningrón, George M'Leay;

66. Ouisc William, Cunningroo, John Peter;

61. Hall Henrv. Mullion, John Ledger;

65. Hill George, 'Yanco, W. Hovell ;

65. Hill George, Ymieo, J. and F. Jenkins;

73. Hill and (brighton, Walla Walla, C. M. Edgehill;

71. Hill and Crightou, Round Hill, John Morrice,

77. Heriot Elliott, Carabobala, Carmody and Purlill;

78. Ilillns John, Estate of, Yab Tree", tho Estate of A. M'Leay per Thomas Bnrker;

78. Hillas John, Rítate of Yab Tree. Geoigo M'Leay;

78. Hillas John, Estate of Yab Tree, C. Simpson per II. E. Michel;

79. Howe Thomas, Gunong Jugrawah, L. F. De Salis;

79. Howo Thomas, Gunong Jugrawah, John Quillón:

87. Howell William, Yarrabee, O. Iii 11;

92. Jenkins R. P., Brewarrena, Henry Osborne;

93. Keighran John, Brundell, George Shelly;

93. Keighran John, Brundell, Thomas Percival;

93. Keighran John, Brundell, L. F. De Salis;

95. Kiley U. Spring's Creek, Thomas Percival ;

95. Kiley U., Spring's Creek, L. F, Do Salis ;

95. Kiley U, Spring's Creek ; Messrs. M'Donell ;

99. Lewis Charles, AVcciaspcr, Eleanor Terry ;.

100. Leahy and Rail, Killimicat, John Keighran ;

102. Linton Edward, Kinlnt, E. J, Bloxham ;

101. Mitchell Thomas, Mungabbaruna, David Taylor;

105. Mitchell Thomas, Little Billybong, J. C. Whitiv ;

100, Morrice John, Buckargringle, John Iveighrnn ;

100. Morrice John, Buckargringle, Alfred Bell ;

107. Morrice John, Mulliiigaudrn, W.M. Conley;

107. Morrice John, Mullingandro, M'Kcnzio and Wylde;

108. Mate Thomas IL, Umubbce and Toonga, G. M'Leay ;

108. Mate Thomas IL, Umubbo and Toonga, R. J. G abbett;

lil. Mara and Macnamara, Head of the Gilmore, Richard Heaver;

115. Murphy Daniel, Adginbilly, Thomas Howe;

110. M'Leay A. and G., Borambola, Thomas II. Mate;

110. M'Leay A. and G. Borambola. William Guise ;

117. M'Leay A. and G. Pulliton, Toole and Troy ;

117. M'Leay A. and G., Pulüton, Owen and Pring:

119. M'Leay W. and J., Junior, Mulberrygong, W. Chapman ami G. Tabor;

122. Mooro Charles and John. Conblondonga, Messrs. Broughton;

134. M'Dougall Archibald, Goboulong, Thomas Howe;

125. Mangan Thomas Joseph, now J. G. L. Williams, Little River, Couradigby, Fleanor 'IVrrv ;

125. Mangan Thomas Joseph, now J. G. L. Williams, Little River, Couradigby, T. and 11. Beckham;

126. Manton Charles, G ¡nour, formerly Neimer, Bell and Wilson, per W. Spain;

127. Nixon Robert, Gignrto or Tywong, John Peter;

127. Nixon Robert, Gigado or Tywong, William Guise;

129. Osborne Henry, Wagarababily, L. F. De Salis;

130. Osborne Henry, Bevokong ManaArujop, or Old Man Creek, James Rudd.

130. Osborne Henry. Bovokong MannArnjoe, or Old Man Creek, John Bray ;

131. Osborne Reny, Tootool, James E. Wall ;

131. Osborne, Henry Tootool, Elizn Vin cet, per T. Mate ;

132. O'Brien Cornelius, Cotway or Adginbilly, G. M'Donall;

132. Owen R., now Owen and Pring., Mangoplar, Patrick Supple;

133. Owen R,, now Owen and Pring, Mangoplor, G. M'Leay ;

133. Owen R.. now Owen and Pring , Mangoplar, John Peter;

134. Peter John, Gumly Gumly, William Guise;

135. Peter John, Ugobit?, Arthur Pooley Onslow;

135. Peter John, Ugoblc, S. D. Gordon ;

130. Peter John, Sandy Creek. Robert Nixon ;

136. Peter John, Sandy Creek, Toole and Troy;

133. I Purtell and Carmody, Mountain Creek, T. H. Bardwell, per Dunsmure and Longmore;

138. Purtell and Carmodv, Mountain Creek, Elliott lleriott ;

138. Purtell and Carmody. Mountain Creek, M'Kcnzio and Wylde;

132. Post James, Coonrdinia.lE. Hcriott ;

139. Post James, Cooardinia, J. C. Whitty;

141. Percival Thomas, Brungle Creek, William Kiley;

141. Percival Thomas, Brungle Creek, L. F. De Salis;

142. Percival Thomas. Brunglc Creek, John Keighrun;

14?. Redfern and Alexander, Messrs., Moroca, W. S. Boyd ;

146. Rudd Jarnrs, Wogangobirnmby, Henry Osborne ;

147. Robertson and Davidson, Buüarbung, James E. Wall ;

147 Robertson and Davidson, Bullaibung, John Bray;

l61. Supple Patrick, Giabbin, Owen and Pring ;

l63. Shellv William, Estate of, Bumbowlee, Messrs. Broughton;

153. Shelly William, Estate of, Bumbowlee, John Keighran ;

156. Stuckey Henry, Tumblong, P. Stuckey, sen.

157. Stuckey Peter, sen., Willie Plumar, H. Stuckey;

159. Smyth and De Salis, Darbalara, Thomas Howe;

159. Smith and De Salis, Darbalara, William Kiley;

159. Smith and De Salis, Darbalara, Henry Osborne:

J o J. Smyth and De Salis, Darbalara, John Keigliran;

l61. Stockwell.John, now Edward Bingham, Gilmore Creek, J. A. and R. K Broughton ;

167. Tooth John, Estate of, Bendenderra, Peter Stuckey;

168. Throsby Charles, Warcoal Creek, E. J. Hogg ;

169. Taylor Samuel, Tannas, T. and H. Beckham ; -

170. Troy Nicholas, Kiamba Creek, G. M'Leay;

170. Troy Nicholas, Kiamba Creek, John Peter;

172. Terry John, Estate of, Corradigby, Thomas G. L. Williams;

172. Terry John, Estate of, Corradigby, Samuel Bowler;

174. Vincent Isaac, Mittagong, C. M.Edghill;

176. Whitty J. C. and H., now J. C. Whitty, Blowering, George Shelly;

177. Whitty J. C. and H., now J. C. Whitty, Lacmalac, Anderson and Duffer ;

178. Whitty J. C. and H., now J. C. Whitty, Billabong; T. H. Bardwell, per Dunsmure and Longmoic;

178, Whitty J. C. and II., now J. C Whitty, Billabong, G. M'Leay ;

17S. Whitty J. C. and II., now J. C. Whitty, Billabong, Elliott Heriott;

179. Walker William, Kyeamba, Thomas H. Mate ;

179. Walker William, Kyeamba, John Case ;

179. Walker William, Kyeamba, N. Troy;

180. Walker William, Jellingroo, R. P. Jenkins;

180. Walker William, Jellingroo, Estate of John Hillas ;

180. Walker William, Jellingroo, Charles Simpson, per H. E. Michell ;

181. Warton Joshua, now William Conley, Mullinjandray, John Morrice ;

181. Warton Joshua, now William Conley, Mullinjnndry, Henry Calder j

181. Warton Joshua, now William Conley, Mullinjandray, John Hore ;

183. West Frank, Buna Buck Buck, (Adelong), Messrs. Broughton,

189. Wall James Egan, Hanging Rock, R. H. Best ;

189. Wall James Egan, Hanging Hock, J. G. Chuich;

189. Wall James Egan, Hanging Rock, John Peter;

189. Wall James Egan, Hanging Rock, Owen and Pring;

189. Wall James Egan, Hanging Hock, Robertson and Davidson.

1905 - PROTEST AGAINST A LEASE.GUNDAGAI. - Objection is being taken to the granting of a lease for 1500 acres of water and pastures reserves to a big financial firm.

The land is situated in county Buccleuch, and is in the Tumut radius, where all the lands are supposed to be locked up.

The Minister has been asked to cancel the lease, but has refused.

Another effort is being made through the member for the district to have the lease cancelled, and the land thrown open for settlement. It is contended that this land will support a number of families, as it has a frontage to the Tumut River and Killemicat Creek. - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 8 November 1905).

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please phone 0431481451 or email John

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