"Yukon Park"
Yellowin, via Tumut. NSW.
Portion 168 - 235 Acres
Portion 31 - 252
Portion 167 - 320
Portion 53 - 20
Portion 106 - 218
Portion 74 -
Portion 25 -
Portion 32 -
Portion 33 -
An area of approx 1,500 Acres.
Entry gates to the Yellowin area which included the large property named
Mr & Mrs Peter Lund were very proud of this complex at resumption the results are there to see.
The hospital has been conducted at a loss for a number of years by Matron Tulloch, who has admitted indigent as well as paying maternity cases Of 146 babies born in the district last year 130 were born at "Harley". Mr Lewis commented favourably on the administration of the District Hospital and said that the proposal to extend the buildings should proceed as a matter of urgency. - (Ref- The0 Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Monday 9 May 1938).
Hurlstone Agricultural High School is an agricultural and selective, co-educational, public high school, located in Glenfield, a south-western suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Address: Roy Watts Rd, Glenfield NSW 2167 - Phone: (02)9829 9222 - Founded: April 1, 1907
Adams David - Adklns Leonard A - Appleton Harold L - Bainbridge Brian H - Bate John R - Batten Colin M - Birdall Peter W - Boxsell Lionel D - Badney Robert B - Brazil Ronald A. - Bush Frederick S I - Cheetham Kevin L - Childs Gordon B - Coleman Keith - Cooper Thama W - Curie Keith E - Doyle John P - Drummond Donald T - Duberlv William - Duncan Robert B - Evan Allan K - Evans John W - Folley Donald E - Foreman Noel G - Potter Allan L. - Fry, Ronald J - Godlenten Warwick - Goodwin William K - Grant Ian R - Graves Mervyn W - Gray Bruce F - Griffith Grahame C - Hardy Frank H - Hassall David H - Hastings Lawrence J - Hawkins Anthony 1 - Healey Bryan W - Heskey Colin J A - Hirst Neville H - Hoare Stuart I - Hosking Donald R - Howard Kenneth F - Howel s - Maxwell Hyde Robert I - Isles Jack - Jones John W - Judd Ronald C - Kerrigan David J - Lawrie James S - Linqulst John G - Lund Peter K - McOarry Ronald G G - McKay Edward J - Malden Alan H - Martin Lindsay H - Medway, Henry C - Morrell John W - Parry Colwyn A - Pike Walter - Picher Francis G - Pinon James F H - Pulsford Tunes S - Rees Paul R - Reval stuart I - Reeks Royston L - Stannard Robert s - Steward 1B1,ruce G - Strachan Donald J - Sykes Oordcn R - Templeton Barry J - Thotman George W P - Thorpe James R C - Teft Gordon A - Watson Maurice A - Way Ronald J - Welberle Robert S - Wilson Bryce C - Wilsen Richard J B - Wingate Arthur R F - Winn John R - Wood Grahame D - Wright Phillp - Young Erie W - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Friday 26 January 1945). Collectable School Cigarette card featuring the Hurlstone colours & crest, c. 1910s
Hurlstone has had 12 Principals:
George Longmuir - 1917 to 1938
Percival Hindmarsh - 1939 to 1945
James McEwan King - 1946 to 1953
Clarence G. James - 1954 to 1967
Reginald W. Clarke - 1968 to 1978
James F. White - 1979 to 1982
G. K. Wilson - 1983 to 1987
R. M. Kidd - 1988 to 2003
John Norris - 2003 to 2010
Kerrie Wratten - 2011 to present
(Ref- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurlstone_Agricultural_High_School#History).
Peter Kai Lund gender 1954 New South Wales Hume city
Peter Kai Lund gender 1958 New South Wales Hume city
Peter Kai Lund gender 1963 New South Wales Hume city
Peter Kai Lund gender 1968 Queensland Kennedy city
Peter Kai Lund gender 1977 Queensland Kennedy city
Peter Kai Lund gender 1977 Queensland Kennedy city
Bonnie Jean Medway gender 1954 New South Wales Bennelong city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1958 New South Wales Hume city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1963 New South Wales Hume city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1968 Queensland Kennedy city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1972 Queensland Kennedy city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1977 Queensland Kennedy city
Bonnie Jean Lund gender 1977 Queensland Kennedy city
The very neat and tidy home last occupied by Mr & Mrs Cyril Hogan, general hand, Shearing Shed Boss.
Mr A H "Dooley" Manns
Mr Harold Denson - Both were employed as rabbit exterminators and fence repairers. Maybe they camped in the old house?
Peter & Bonnie were to join forces with Bill & Nancye Hooper and relocate to Qld.
QLD Country Hour Summary - Monday 09/08/2004
Grain winner - Kelly Lund - It's been a week of awards for farmers at the Ekka, and Friday night it was the grains industry's turn to give a pat on the back to its achievers. Six awards were presented at the Ag Force Grains award dinner, including young Grains Achiever which was won by Rick Cronin from Dalby and the Education award which was won by the University of Queensland.
But the big gong of the night went to Central Queensland grower Peter Lund who was judged winner of the Grains Acheiver award for 2004. Mr Lund has long been involved with sorghum exports to Japan he's speaking here with an extremely proud grand daughter, our Mackay reporter Kelly Lund. Peter Lund, Central Queensland grain grower (audio) - (Ed Note - I am working on being able to include this interview in this report.)
This page is under construction, please contact John on 0431 481 451 or johnstephenson@acnrep.com with any corrections, photos, maps or additional information.