via Crookwell. NSW.


Deeds of Grant in favour of the following persons are ready for delivery upon payment of the assurance fee and stamp duty.

Applications for delivery if in writing must be attested by a magistrate, and the Crown lands agent's receipt for payment of balance of purchase money must be produced on personal application: -

Georgh J. Bohrkeo Jembaiaumbene;

John Bradley, parish of Krawarree;

Sarah J. Cree, parish ~Iathaird;

John Currie, parish of Stratairdr1

John J. Costigan, parish Tuenao;

Job Chatffey, parish Breadalbane;

John Fardy, village McAlister;

Albert A. Kerr, Crookwell;

David Kennedy, Goulburn;

William Morris, village of Hall;

Georgo Meadley, panrih of Billyrambija;

John M. Meltiteh, parish Pialligo (three);

John K. McKay, parish Mummnel (twelve);

John K. McKay, parish Rowley (two);

John K. McKay, parish Bubalabla;

Alexander McInnes, senior, MoAlister (four);

David Rule, Hall (two) ;

John Southwell, village of Hall (three)

Benjamin Short, village McAlister; Benjamin Short,

MoAlister; James Worrall and another, village of McAlister. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Saturday 18 August 1888).

1903 - CROOKWELL. (From our Correspondent.) Progress Association.- This association held their usual monthly meeting at the School of Arts on Friday night last. Mr. Geo. McDonald (president) occupied the chair. With regard to a presentation to Mr. S. Wright, B.A., from the Port Macquarie residents, and which the association had undertaken to make, it was decided that it be made the following night.

The secretary was instructed to write to the Railway Commissioners requesting that tbe train be kept back on Xmas Eve till 6.5 p.m. to enable business people to get away the same day. The secretary (Mr. R. Howland) and president were appointed to wait on Mr. G. R. Edwards (road superintendent) to obtain information re the opening of a road from McAlister to Crookwell, which road would save McAlister residents the necessity of going round by Laggan when they wished to come to Crookwell. (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 10 December 1903).

1905 - McAlister Railway Station. Relative to request for the establishment of a booking office at McAliser Siding, Crookwell line, Mr. Ashton has been informed by the Acting Secretary for Railways that the Commissioners conidered this matter when on their recent visit of inspecion, and approved of arrangements for booking at McAlister being made. Instructions are being issued accordintly. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 18 July 1905).

1907 - CROOKWELL. .(From our correspondent.) Progress Association. - The usual monthly committee meeting of the Crookwell Progress Association was held on Friday night. There was a fair attendance. Mr. Georgo McDonald, president, occupied the chair. The resignation of Mr. Keith, owing to his election to the Shire Council, was accepted. It was resolved to approach the Shire Council with a view to having the road fromr Crookwell to McAlister opened. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 7 May 1907).

1907 - CROOKWELL. (From Our Coriespondent.) Shire Couhcil.- The usual fortnightly sitting of the above was held at the Council Chambers on Thursday. Councillor J. Keith, Deputy President, was in thie chair, President Naughton being away on a holiday owing to ill-health. A deputation from the Progress Association consisting of Messrs. Geo. McDonald and C. T. Clifton (president and secretary) was received, and asked the Council to take steps to have the road from McAlister to Crookwell opened. The chairman said that the application was a reasonable one and necessary, and that the matter would receive the Council's best efforts. The engineer reported that owing to complaints received he had inspected the road from Golspie to Roslyn, and had necessary repairs effected. The report was adopted. The engineer advised the repair of Shipp's Lane, leading to the Kialla Road, at a cost not to exceed £l0. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 14 May 1907).

Crown Land Sale. Mr. W. L, Davis, Crown Land Agent at Goulburn, conducted a Crown Land Sale, at Goulburn on Wednesday. Fourteen suburban lots in the village of "McAlister", parish Upper Tarlo, shire Crookwell, were submitted, but only two lots were sold. Solby Warren was the purchaser, at the upset price of £051, rf portion 205, containing 10a 3r 20p, and at the upset price of £42 of portion 207 of 18a Sr 10p. Two lots in the parish of Bolong, county Georgiana, shire Crookwell, were offered, but ony portion 224, containing 81a Sr, the upset price per anor being 15/, was sold. The purchaser was John Williams. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 15 August 1918).

1917 - SNOW AT CROOKWELL. Early on Wednesday moirning snow fell in Crookwell, and at 8 o'clock the ground was white, the hills as far as Roslyn being deeply covered. The fall was heaviest at McAlister, where the depth was about two inches on the railway platform. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 19 July 1917).

1917 - CROOKWELL NOTES. from Local Papers. One of the oldest residents of the district, Mr. William Price, died at his residence, Kialla, on Saturday last. The cause of death was old age, accelerated by an attack of bronchitis. The deceased, who was 87 years of age, was a native of Ireland. He had resided at Kialla for about 60 years, and carried on farming pursuits. He is survived by a grown up family of five sons and one daughter. The names of the sons are William, Thomas, James, Charles, and Samuel Price, and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Lost River, near Crookwell, is the daughter.

Mr. Andrew Joseph Newham, a respected resident of McAlister, died on Friday last, after a painful illnes, at the age of 46 years. Mr. Newham, who is a single man, is survived by three brothers and two sisters. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 5 July 1917).

1920 - A War Record, "GOULBURN" AND DISTRICT. WHAT AN OLD LADY DID. Mrs. R. Young, of Chanty St, Goudlburn, has demonstrated what can be done by indiustry, perseverance, and devotion to a self-imposed task. Mrs. Young, who is well advanced in years and who lost a son at the war, resolved to keep a record of the names of men from Goulburn and surrounding districts who enlisted for the great war: and of what befell them. Her work is now complete, and it is certainly a credit to her.

The information, all of which was obtained from the press. has been neatly collated, and recorded in books. The figures will give some idea if the extent of Mrs Young's labours. The list of those enlisted, given alphabetically, with their military ran, comprises no fewer than 3517 names.

The following are also given under separate headings:-

Names of nursing sisters, 29;

honour roll of men killed, 388;

Men wounded and gassed. 664;

men reported gassed, 36;

died of wounds, 95;

drowned, 2;

reported in hospital with sickness, 334;

died of sickness, 28s

men reported missing and prisoners of war,.53.

The total casualties are Isgg99.

It is Mrs. Young's intention to present the information to the War Memorial Committee. That body may then have a book printed and devote the profits to the memorial. There is no doubt that the book would cormmand a large sale, and the expense if printing would not be great.

The list embraces soldiers from Goulburn, Towrang, Greenwich Park Riggsdale, Boxer's Creek, Brayton, Tallong, Marulan, Bevendale, Kings dale, Cotta Walla, Woodhouselel, Roslyn, Bindagundra, McAlister, Crookwell, Redbank, South Crookwell, Binda, Laggan, Kialla, Tuena. Pomeroy, Merrilla, Baw Baw, Granben Gullen, Wheeo, Bronte, Bois Chere, Yarra, Wyhiella, Thornfor: Collector, Breadalbane, Wollogorang, Inveralochy, Currawang, Springfield. Lake Bathurst, Bungonia, Windellama, Mount Fairy, Farkesbourne, Curraweela, Mommell, Gundaroo, Tarago, Bungendore, Norwood Road, Chatsbury, Rhyanna, Bannaby, Wombeyan Caves, Taralga, Golspie, Myrtleville; Mliddle Arm, The Forest, Gundowringa, Tarlo, and Kenmore. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 29 June 1920). Zoomplus thumb minus left thumb right up thumb down Show/hide

1921 - DEVELOPING IRON DEPOSITS. - A route for a private raliway line is being surveyed from McAllster (near Crookwell) to "Redround", where Messrs. O. and C. Hoskins intend, shortly, to develop the Iron industry. Boring operations have been commenced, and about 12 men are employed. When this line is constructed employment will be provided for some hundreds of men. The deposits of ironstone are said to bo exceptionally rich. The length of line will be about five miles. - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 12 July 1921).

1924 - Tains - CROOKWELL LINE. Mixed Trains leave Goulburn daily (Sunday excepted) 3a.m., Roslyn 5.15 a.m., McAlister 5.41 a.m.; arrive at Crookwell at 6 a.m. On Wednesdays and Saturdays a Mixed Train leaves Goulburn at 4 p.m., Roslyn 5.36. p.m., McAlister 5.56 p.m.;McAlister 8.19, Roslyn 8.48 p.m.; arrives at Goulburn 10.45 p.m. On Wednesdays and Saturdays the Mixed Train runs as follows:- Crookwell 7.40 a.m., McAlister 7.57 a.m. Roslyn 8.26 a.m.; arrives Goulburn 10.5 a.m. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 20 March 1924).

1939 - ENGINE OFF LINE Shunting: At McAlister , During shunting operations the engine of the Crookwell train jumped off the rails at McAlister early this morning. The train, which leaves Goulburn at 2.50 am., reached McAlister according to schedule, and the engine was disconnected from the train for shunting purposes. It is believed that the points slipped, causing the enlgine to completely leave the rails. The driver of the engine, Mr. V. D. Sailley, was then driven to Crookwell to secure the motor train,. which returned to McAlister for the passengers, who arrived in Crookwell about 7 o'clock, approximately 1 1/2 hours late. As far as Can be ascertained no damage was done. A breakdown gang has left Goulburn to put the engine on the line. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Tuesday 31 January 1939).

Train Stopped To Give Aid To Injured Girl - "CROOKWVELL, Friday: Thrown from a bicycle near McAllster this morning Bessie Warren received a nasty head injury and probable concussion. Her bicycle was noticed on the roadway from the motor train on its way to Goulburn, and the guard, Mr. M. Payne, together with several passengers, hastened to the scene of the accident. When the extent of her injuries were ascertained, Mr. Payne rode thle bicycle half a mile for assistance and Mr. Reg Fenton made his car available to take the insured girl to Crookwell for, medical attention. Apparently the girl, who is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. J. Warren, of McAlister, had been to the railway station to collect the mail and was returning home when she was thrown heavily from the machine, her head striking a stone on the roadway inflicting, a deep cut on her head. The train was delayed at the scene of the accident for about 20 minutes. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Friday 28 April 1939).

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