Abraham 2nd
20. Abraham Thomas (James2, James1) was born on April 1, 1886 in Kiandra, NSW,50 died on October 3, 1955 in Queanbeyan, NSW51 at age 69, and was buried on October 5, 1955 in Methodist Cemetery, Canberra, ACT. - Abraham married Clara Ann Eldridge, daughter of Thomas Eldridge and Agnes Amelia Barrett, on June 21, 1906 in Lobbs Hole, Kiandra, NSW.309 Clara was born on September 2, 1888 in Darquis Flat near Cooma, NSW,310 died on November 20, 1958 in Queanbeyan, NSW311 at age 70, and was buried on November 21, 1958 in Methodist Cemetery, Canberra, ACT.
Children from this marriage were:
32 F i. Emma Evelyn Thomas was born on August 22, 1906 in Kiandra, NSW312 and died in 1985 at age 79.
F ii. Vera Alma Thomas was born on November 22, 1907 in Kiandra, NSW and died in 1946 in Sydney, NSW313 at age 39.
M iii. Clarence Gavin Thomas was born on November 18, 1909 in Kiandra, NSW314 and died in 1910 in Tumut, NSW315 at age 1.
M iv. Rupert Thomas was born in 1910 in Tumut, NSW.
F v. Alice Amelia Thomas was born on March 11, 1912 in Tumut, NSW.
M vi. Walter Laurance Thomas was born on December 8, 1913 in Tumut, NSW and died in 1973 at age 60.
F vii. Bertha Priscilla Thomas was born on July 21, 1915 in Tumut, NSW and died in 1978 at age 63.
F viii. Sylvia Robina May Thomas was born on August 19, 1917 in Tumut, NSW and died in 1984 at age 67.
M ix. Allan Claude Thomas was born on January 23, 1927 in Tumut, NSW and died in 1983 at age 56.