Tumut Cricket Club, NSW.
1878 - The challenge match for the " Jone's Cup," which was to have come off on the 9th instant, between the Cootamundra team and the Tumut eleven, lapsed, as the former did not put in an appearanco here, owing to the inclemency of tho weather in their neighbourhood.
The Tumutitcs were sadly disappointed, for their men had been got together with considerable difficulty, and great preparations had been made for the event, and the 9th was here a remarkably fine day for crieket. Subsequently the secretary of the Tumut Club received a polite note from Cootamundra, expressive of their regret at not being able to keep their appointment, and offering to recoup Tumut for any consequent loss. The same message contained a challenge for another date.
On Saturday last our cricketers held a meeting upon the ground. It was decided that it was impossible to meet Cootamundra on either the 2nd or 9th proxime, as they proposed, but to agree to do so on the 20th of March next, the day between the show and the races, or else on Easter Monday, which ever day their opponents might prefer.
A challenge from Adelong to plav a match for the Cup was declined. Adelong being a portion of the Tumut district. It appears that by the rules only certain districts are eligible to compete for the Jone's Cup; and the boundyries of each are not those of the Police, but of the electoral district. Ignorance of this fact has led to much correspondance and unpleasant discussion in various local newepapers. - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Monday 25 February 1878).
1878 - A general meeting of the Tumut Cricket Club was held at Mr. J. Osmond's Star Hotel, on Saturday last. Mr. H. E. Harris occupied the chair, Mr. F. W. Vyner was re-elected president, and Messrs. E. G. Brown and Dr. R. B. Lynch, vice-presidents, and Messrs. J. Blakeney, N. Emanuel, W. Simpson, J. Osmond, J. P. Ruggy, P. Blakeney, and the Chairman, were appointed n manag- ing committee. Twenty-seven gentlemen handed in their names as members. Several presentation bats and balls were promised for members who should during the season obtain the best bowling and batting average, after playing at least in half-a-dozen matches.
The secretary laid before the meeting a challenge received from tho Bombowlee Club, which was accepted for the 28th instant. The challenge from the Cootamundra Club, to play a match for the "Jones Cup," was considered, and Friday and Saturday, the 11th and 12th of October next, were named as the days on which the same should come off. The secretary of the Cootamundra club has since telegraphed a reply accepting this decision. I hear that several other towns are about to forward challenges to Tumut; thus our men will have to work hard in order to retain the Cup. - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Monday 30 September 1878).
1878 - TUMUT. - November 16. - CRICKET.- The great event of the past week has been the match played by the local club against the Wagga team for Jones's Challenge Cup. The match was played on Friday and Saturday last (the Wagga men having arrived in town early on the morning of Friday ). and resulted in an easy victory for the Tumut team, who scored respectively 70 and 31 in their innings against 32 and 20 of the Wagga eleven.
From the scores, your cricketing readers will see that the match was purely a bowling and fielding match ; in point of fact, the bowling of Lovatt and B. Clayton for Tumut, and of Tompson and Currie for Wagga has very seldom been surpassed at any country match, while the fielding of Harris and Emanuel for Tumut, and of the Wagga team in general, was a perfect treat to see. The only players that seemed to be able to cope with the bowling were Buggy, who, in the first Tumut innings, made a fine scoro of 23, and Morris, who, in the second Innings, cleverly put together, and carried his bat out.
On Saturday evening a complimentary dinner was given to the Wagga men, at the Commercial Hotel, to which about fifty persons sat down. Mr. E. G. Brown occupied the chair, having on his right Mr. Fitzhardinge, the captain of the Wagga team, and on his left Mr. J. Blakeney, the umpire of the Tumut eleven; and Mr. Geo. Forsyth, of Yarrangobilly was in possession of the vice-chair, supported by Mr. P. Blakeney, the Tumut captain, and Mr. E. O'Mara, of Gilmore, the Wagga umpire.
After due justice had been done to the viands, the chairman gave the usual loyal toasts, which were enthusiastically responded to, and then proposed the toast of the evening, coupled with the name of Mr. Fitzhardinge. In the course of a brief introductory speech he reviewed the several contests that had taken place between the two rival teams, and paid a high compliment to the Wagga men on the gentlemanly spirit in which they bore defeat. Mr. Fitzhardinge, in reply, proposed the health of the Tumut men, coupled with the name of Mr. P. Blakeney, who he was sorry to find crippled by an unfortunate accident in the cricket field, but who, notwithstanding his broken hand, had pluckily determined to stick to his colours. After tho toast of the evening had been duly honoured, Mr. H. M. Shelley, J.P., of Shelley's Plains, intimated his intention to give at the end of this season a trophy for contention between the clubs entitled to play for the Jones Cup, as he thought that now it was a foregone conclusion that Tumut would keep the latter.
Mr. H. L. Harris, of the firm of Brown and Harris, of Tumut Plains, himself an ardent cricket player, immediately capped this sporting offer by saying, that as his firm had been fore stalled by Mr Shelley in their intention of giving a challenge cup, his partner and himself would be happy to pay the expenses of a foam, picked from the Tumut cricketers in the course of this season, in going to contest a friendly match with Cootamundra and Wagga.
Mr. W., B.Marks, of the firm of Mandelson and Co., hereupon declared, that although originally he intended to propose a subscription challenge cup, to be contested by all the cricket clubs in the southern districts, he preferred now, to prevent unnecessary loss of time, to emulate the munificent example set by Messrs. Shelley and Brown and Harris, by personally giving a trophy to be contested for during the proposed trip of the Tumut Eleven to Cootamundra and Wagga. In view of these inducements, the interest in the noble game of cricket is not likely to hag in Tumut for some time to come.- (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Saturday 16 November 1878).
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.-I wish I could concede equally unqualified praise to the attitude of the denizens of Tumut toward the project of forming a Mechanics' Institute. It ls deplorable, that in a small place like Tumut the publia should think it quite aw regie to support eight public-houses and seven-say seven-billiard rooms, but that there should not be sufficient taste for literary pursuits or mental improve- ment, amongst the population of ono of the oldest towns in the colony, to induce them to form an institution of this kind. About a month ago, a public meeting readily adopted a resolution, to the effect that a Mechauics' Institute should be formed, and a committee to colleot subscriptions in aid was duly formed. But, so far. tho efforts of tho committee in that direction have been in vain. Peoplo, with some rea- son, say that tho enormous contributions toward church building funds, tea meetings, art unions, and concerts in aid of the various houses of worship, have completely exhausted their means, and it Is perfectly useless to point out to them that, in this instance, they commence to economise at the wrong moment. I believe the total amount of funds at the command of tho committee is £2, contributed by some un- wary squatter away in the wilds of the Snowy Mountains. An application to Mr. Hoskins, our member, I understand, elicited the munificentoffer of a volume containing Sir Henry Parkes's speeches and sundry pamphlets published by tho Government Printer. Thero is to be another public meeting to-morrow evening, at which the committee is to bring up its . report.- (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Saturday 16 November 1878).
MAIL ARRANGEMENTS.-last week we all but had a monster indignation meeting anent the postal arrangements. Up to the opening of the Wagga railway extension we used to get our mail in a round-about manner certainly, but still sufficiently early in the evening to enable us to sond a reply by tho outgoing mall next morning. But the later despatch of the train from Sydney entails later delivery of mails up country, and all at once we find that as a rule we cannot take advantage of the outgoing mail, which closes at 0.30 p.m., to send a reply to the Incoming letters, which arg delivered at about 8.30 p.m. The inconvenience arising therefrom actually roused some of the Abderltes out of their usual lethargy, and at one time it seemed quito on the cards that they would become alive to tho fact that the down mail arrives at Gundagai, distant 22 milos from Tumut, at 12 noon, wlillo in the present round-about way in travelling via Adelong Crossing and Adelong it took eight hours to reach Tumut from tho above to wn.- (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Saturday 16 November 1878).
MINING.-Mr. King, one of tho directors of the Great Britain Gold Mining Co., arrived here from Sydney last Wednesday, and proceeded out to the mine on the next morn- ing. Upon his decision will depend whether tho present company will carryon tho mine or not. Should tho claim be sold, there is afine chanceherefor some wide-awakespecu lator to secure a competence ata reasonable outlay. The trial crushing of the Tarrabandra Gold Mining Co., at Wilson and Ritchie's maeblno, realised a little over loz Odwtper ton, With a reef from ll to 12 feet wide this ought to be sufficient inducement for capitalists to run the risk of erecting ma- chinery on tho claim. Your readers might say that with such a yield it ought to pay to cart tho stone to tho nearest machine and crush it there; but, in doing so, they leave out of consideration that carting and crushing expenses amount to £2 per ton. and that clalmholders are loth to give half tho proceeds of their labour to carters and machine owners. If the sum demanded were very high I should not wonder at tho! reticence of the public, but £1800 does not seem such a very vast amount to bo raised in tho district.
C. JG. Baroon FEAST.-This day ( Monday) has been kept as a general holiday in deference to the wishes of the Ohurob of 1933 - TUMUT - Tumut District Cricket Association -
Adelong, 231 (Collis 26, Burkinshaw 55, Roche 96). d Tumut Billiard Room, 49 and five for 101 (Jeffrey 32 T Sloans 27 no. J Roche 6/27):
Gilmore. 109 (Whatman 25. Back 25, Anderson 5/33), d Lacmalac, 96 (Hargreaves 45 Fielding 7/33),
Tumut Plain, eight for 159 (Burke 50 n o, Humphries 26, Halloran 25). drew with Wyangle four for 43, - (Humphries was the Tumut Plains School Teacher).
Batlow 162 (Neill 48 n o ) d Gocup 62 and 36 (Brllell 4/8 and 4/19, Smith 5/19),
Blowering 137 (Walmsley 67 Bell 5/25), d Grahamstown 121 (Neal 30, Scott 26. Dunn 4/IB Beattie 4/30) - (Ref- The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 15 November 1933). - (Walmsley, was the East Blowering School Treacher).