Tumut Emergency Service

Tumut & District Emergency


Council’s duty officer is available to contact for emergency service after hours on 0427 470 555

Tumut Shire is exposed to such natural hazards as severe storms, floods and bush fires. It is also at risk to emergencies resulting from human caused and technological hazards.

A range of measures exist at the local level to manage risks to communities and the environment. These include:

Local Emergency Operations Centre, which is activated as required to assist with the co-ordination of operations, support and communication during emergencies.

Local Emergency Management Committee comprising representatives from relevant agencies and organisations that have a role to play in emergency management. The committee meets every 4 months.

Local Rescue Committee.

Local Emergency Management Plan detailing, among other things, roles and responsibilities in preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies.

Support Plans regarding flooding, bushfires and evacuations.

Emergency Risk Management Plan. The Plan considers the risks associated with a range of natural and technological hazards and treatment strategies.

Council plays a major role in supporting the above arrangements.

Emergency Information

Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance) call 000

Police Crime Stoppers Freecall 1800 333 000

Police Assistance Line (PAL) Non Emergency Enquiries 13 1444 - Web: www.police.nsw.gov.au

Adelong Police Station, Campbell Street Adelong 6946 2044

Batlow Police Station, Birch Street Batlow 6949 1062

Talbingo Police Station, 43 Lampe Street Talbingo 6949 5244

Tumut Police Station, 20 Wynyard Street Tumut 6947 7199 (P), 6947 7111 (F)

Local Area Command: Cootamundra 6942 0030 (P), 6942 0033 (F)


Tumut Ambulance Station, Fitzroy Street Tumut 13 1233

Ambulance Service of NSW 02 9320 777 (P), 02 9320 7800(F)

Web: www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au


Public Enquiries 1800 679 737

Smoke Alarm Enquiries 1800 151 614

Web: www.fire.nsw.gov.au

Batlow Fire Station, Mayday Road Batlow 6949 1495

Tumut Fire Station, 146 Wynyard Street Tumut 6947 1202

Rural Fire Service (RFS)

Headquarters, 15 Carter Street Homebush Bay 8741 5555

Public Enquiries 1800 679 737

Web: www.rfs.nsw.gov.au

Riverina Highlands Zone, Tumut Fire Control Centre

76 Capper Street Tumut 6941 2222 - 0419 460 880

State Emergency Service (NSW SES)

Emergency Assistance in Floods & Storms 132 500

General Enquiries Tumut Shire 69472877

Volunteering & Safety Information 1800 201 000

Web: www.ses.nsw.gov.au

Terrorism Hotline

24-hour National Security Hotline 1800 123 400

The Australian Federal Government web site provides a single access point for counter-terrorism information from the Australian Government. Web: www.nationalsecurity.gov.au

Bush Fire Prone Land

A bush fire prone area is land that can support a bush fire or is likely to be subject to bush fire attack. The following link will open the Bush Fire Prone Map for Tumut Shire

Any new development in areas identified as bush fire prone are subject to the controls ‘Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006’.

If you live on bushfire prone land you should develop a bushfire survival plan and determine if you house is defendable from bushfire. The RFS has a household assessment tool http://bfhat.rfs.nsw.gov.au/ to enable residents to make an informed decision about the chances of saving their property from fire.

In line with the fire danger rating system, a day predicted to be Severe, Extreme or Catastrophic is a trigger for residents who live in bush fire prone areas to be prepared for fire and if a fire does break out to relocate to a safer location. Don't leave it until the last minute.

For further information contact the Riverina Highlands RFS on 6941 2222 or log onto http://rfs.nsw.gov.au/

Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP)

The State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (section 29) makes the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) responsible for the preparation and review of plans in relation to the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies in the shire.

The LEMC has prepared a Local Emergency Management Plan to ensure the coordinated response to emergencies by all agencies having responsibilities in emergencies.

Download Local Emergency Management Plan

Tumut Shire Council - Website

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This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John or on 0431 481 451.