Tumut Turf Club

Tumut Turf Club, NSW.


THE TUMUT RACECOURSE. - The people of the place are proud of their little town, and show visitors over it with pleasure and pride. Messrs. H. Butler, of Adelong, and J. Blakeney, ex-Mayor of Tumut, showed me over the Tumut Racecourse, and those two gentlemen have especial reason to be proud of it. Both have been connected with it for over thirty years. The former, at one time a splendid horse man himself, a compeer of the well-known Billy Yeomans, now of Marengo, saw Tumut couisc when it was in its wild state; when it was adorned by gum trees, and four-forked saplings served for a grandstand. Away back in the seventies these two veterans, Messrs. Butler and Blakeney, with two others, became sureties to the bank for an amount to lay out on the racecourse, and to-day they feel proud of their foresight, and I am sure the district is too.

Unreservedly I say Tumut Racecourse is the nicest course in Australia; its natural formation and surroundings are ideal, and those connected with the club have taken advantage of it, and added to it by various means. The Tumut River runs within 100 yards or less of the grandstand, and the shady elms, oaks, and willows which are growing in profusion, would be very entiolng to picnic parties, or lovers of the "we two only" order.

The appointments on the course are also very much up-to-date; good grandstand, members' stand, ladies' stand, refreshment and committee rooms, and a new lawn, with a good fountain of water playing on it. If eventually Tumut should be selected as the site for the Federal Capital, I see in my mind's eye a groat rival for racing supremacy to Sydney and Melbourne in Tumut.

How proud the descendants of the pioneers of Tumut Turf Club should be to see a race of equal importance to a Melbourne Cup fought out on the course that their forefathers estabolished. -

Recently, Mr. Butler retired from taking a very active part in the club, and as a memento for services rendered, the club presented him with a beautifully engraved gold watch.

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John

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