1921 - Potato Show. "CORNER'S 'VOICE' FINE EXHIBITION. CROOKWELL WINS PRIZE..... This section of the show was a trimph for Mr. Sven H. Lund, a returned soldier, residing in Crookwell. Following are the rewards "Best six potatoe: S. H. Lund 1 and 2 ("queen of the Valley" and "Satisfaction"). Largest potato: S H Lund. - (Ref- Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940)(about) Previous issue Thursday 9 June 1921).
1931 - "Cottawalla" - 100 TONS OF HAY From 27 Acres of Oats. An excellent yield of hay has been obtained by a share farmer on the property of Mr. S. Lund, of "Cottawalla", Crookwell. Twenty-seven acres of Guyra oats gave 100 tons of excellent hay, now stored in eight stacks. The crop was manured with 801b of superphosphate per acre. A good weed strike was obtained before planting, and the hay was consequently very clean. (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Friday 13 February 1931).
1936 - "Weedalga", Crookwell. NSW - ELECTORAL ROLL - N.S.W Electoral Roll – Macquarie - Crookwell LUND Kathleen, "Weedalga", Crookwell, home duties. LUND Svend Holger, Weedalga, Crookwell, grazier ...
1940 - ROMNEY MARSH - NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND M. A. CO - On account S H Lund Weedalga Crookwell - 1 stud ram to R S Carr for 7gns 2 stud rams to F G Leihy at 7 and 6 gns. (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Saturday 22 June 1940).
1940 - Sydney Royal Easter Show. Svern exhibited several sheep.
Important Crookwell Function On Sunday [coming soon] - THIS ARTICLE IS COMING SOON IN FULL - Goulburn Evening Post (NSW : 1940 - 1957) Friday 13 November 1953 Edition: Daily and Evening p 1 Article... address by Mr. S. H. Lund, former president of the Crookwell R.S.L. ... Important Crookwell Function On Sunday Crookwell will honour its war dead this Sunday with the laying of the foundation stone for the Crookwell War Memorial Centre. The stone will be laid by Lt. ... 465 words - (Ref- http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/result?q=lund+crookwell).
1 -1 S -
On Thursday last the residents of Cotta Walla gathered at the old school to farewell Cr. and Mrs. Lund and family, who are leaving this district for Tumut. A sumptuous banquet tea had been prepared by the ladies, and the room was taxed to its full capacity to accommodate the friends and well-wishers of the Lund family.
AFTER full justice had been done to the many good things displayed on the tables, Mr. T. A. Howard (who presid ed) called on- all present to honour the toast of "The King."
The next toast, "Our Guests," was proposed by Mr. W. Carter, who regretted the departure of a family who had proved themelves the best of friends and neighbouors. He referred to his association with Mr. Lund in. the V.D.C., Bush Fire Brigade and other local organisations. He h1ad always been one of us, doing his share in trying to make things better, and his honest, reliable opinions were always worthy of respect. He congratulated him on his excellent farm management, on the success achieved, and the improvements he had made at "Weedalga," and said he felt very confident that he would achieve further success in the Tumut district.
He paid high tribute to Mrs. Lund for her generous, help- in many directions, «and referred particularly to the time, two years ago, when one of the most disastrous bush fires they remembered raced through part of Mr. Lund's farm but where. !
Mr. C. H. Levy spoke in support, and claimed acquaintance with their guests ' ever since they caine to the district. He had always appreciated Mr Lund's outspoken, straight-forward manner and his business honesty and integrity; his word was always his bond, and whether you got yes or no from him, you could rely on it.
Mr Levy humourously remarked that business men were not game to be so outspoken, but rather followed the old proverb, "that - discretion is the better part of valor," for it did not always pay to say what you thought of a chap. A previous
speaker had mentioned Mrs.
Lund's good work two years ago,
but he could go back about 30
years, when he was being train-
ed for a soldier on the Goulburn,
showground, and recalled the
kindness and hospitality bestow
ed on him and many others by
Mrs. Lund's parents. As a
family their hospitality at all
times was outstanding, and it
was not surprising to find Mrs.
Lund carryirig on the £ Mr. J. Kennedy proposed the toast of "The Ladies." He re ferred to the large number of socials held at Cotta Walla during the war years for patriotic purposes and congratulated them on the excellent way they had supplied the refreshments.
There had been a lot of calls made on them, but they always came good and there was. always plenty, arid visitors often expressed their enjoyment of the
delicacies served. It was grand to see such co-operation and team work among the ladies, and success was assured while that friendship prevailed. He thought they had excelled themselves that night, and was sure all had enjoyed and appreciated their arrangements. He called on them to honour this worthy toast in the usual manner.
Mrs. O. Campbell responded
on behalf of the ladies, and
thanked them for honouring them in this way, and for their kind words of appreciation.
They were pleased to help in any way possible and got quite a lot of enjoyment out of the socials; they were very pleased to know that their efforts were satisfactory arid so highly appreciated.
Mr. O. Campbell gave The Chairman, and referred to the help and support he always gave to every local organisation or function. We always count on his. co-operation and support he said, band he never let's us down.
After the chairman had briefly acknowledged the toast, ti\6 tables were cleared arid cards
indulged in for a couple of hours and it was pleasing btlce the atmosphere of good friendship, and cooity that prevaied whole evening. proceedings terminate)!.
that the bonds of ff'jj
been strengthened ing a worthy propriate manner, ab Digitisation generous - (Ref- https://www.theland.com.au/story/5307112/long-held-plum-on-crookwells-doorstep/).
Long-held ‘plum’ on Crookwell’s doorstep
Peter Austin30 Mar 2018, 6 a.m.News
Agents are fond of using the line that “rarely does a property of this quality hit the market”, but in the case of “Weedalga” at Crookwell, such purple prose would be easily justified.
This 418 hectare (1034ac) property, which will go to auction in Crookwell on April 20 through Professionals Goulburn, is a standout offering on several counts.
Almost a perfect square in shape, it is one of just a handful of 400ha-plus properties within a 10 kilometre radius of Crookwell, and nearly all of it is rich, red, arable, high-rainfall basalt country.
Little wonder, then, that it has remained in the same family hands for 70 years, and is being sold now only to allow for the occupying co-owner’s retirement and the wind-up of a family partnership.
Situated just 8km from Crookwell near the crest of the Great Dividing Range, “Weedalga” has a long history of pasture improvement and prime lamb production, cattle breeding and potato-growing.
The property started life as a soldier settler block of about 160ha, which was taken up by Svendt Lund, a Danish-born immigrant who had served for four years with the AIF and lost a leg in the process.
Under Lund’s ownership, “Weedalga” became an early proving-ground for improved pasture establishment, along with the nearby (and better known) “Gundowringa” property of C.E. Prell. It was also home to a successful Romney Marsh stud.
Lund left the district in 1946 and “Weedalga” was promptly snapped up by local grazier Angus McIntosh, who had bought the adjoining “Morruba” property in 1937 to provide for his daughter Christina.
The enlarged property, which took the name “Weedalga”, thus became home to Christina (“Chris”) and her husband Joe Cummins, and in due course their large family of six sons and three daughters.
Those three daughters, Margaret (Ridland), Lorraine (Haynes) and Janelle (Parsons) are now the co-vendors, along with their brother Neville, who has worked the property since Joe’s death in 1988.
Under Cummins ownership, “Weedalga” built a reputation as a reliable source of “top drawer” prime lambs, as well as market-topping vealers from dairy-cross dams.
Over the years, under a regular topdressing program, the property has typically carried 1700-1800 first-cross ewes and 60-70 cows, plus supplementary cultivation of seed potatoes.
It is now stocked with 1600 ewes and leftover lambs under a leasing arrangement which expires before the contract settlement date of July 2.
Well suited to sheep and cattle breeding and fattening, or stud use, the property offers scope for more intensive production through pasture upgrading and supplementary cropping.
It is amply watered by a reliable 750-800mm rainfall and 21 dams, including a large dam of 25 megalitres earlier used for irrigation.
A feature of “Weedalga” is its well-maintained stone and double-brick homestead of five bedrooms, incorporating period features, spacious living areas, hallways, sunrooms and modern inclusions.
Working structures include a two-stand shearing shed and sheep yards (connected to paddocks by fenced laneway), three-bay garage/workshop, enclosed machinery shed, hay shed and silos.
Bidding for “Weedalga” is expected on the high side of $3.5 million, with competition expected variously from local and outside interests for its lifestyle, productive and “land bank” attributes.
1925 Eric Harold was born in Goulburn. NSW
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To Sev Lund