If you know of any additional owners or tenants of any property on the West Blowering side please contact John as below.
THURSDAY, 15th November, 1906.
9,549 Acres of the richest FARMING and DAIRYING LAND in the State, permanently watered by the Tumut River, to which it has a frontage of 5 miles, and numerous ever running creeks and springs. Annual rainfall for 20 years, 33 inches. Droughts unknown. Magnificent climate.
WEAVER & PERRY, SYDNEY, in conjunction with S. F. WILKINSON & CO., TUMUT, have received instructions to sell by auction, at O'Brien's Hall. Tumut, on Thursday, 15th November, 1906, at 2 o'clock The above Magnificent ESTATE, subdivided into 13 lots, ranging in areas from 60 acres to 3,220 acres. This is the best property ever offered in the State for closer settlement. Several of the frontage farms are let at £2 3/ per acre per annum, and the present tenants are anxious to obtain leases for 7 to 10 years, at the same rental. For fattening and woolgrowmg this property is unsurpassed in the district, some of the country has carried three sheep to the acre all the year round.
This sale affords a rare opportunity of securing farms in this safe and thriving district, where the rainfall is 33 inches a year and the climate unsurpassed.
Terms-One-fourth cash, balance at 2, 3, i, and 6 years, bearing interest at 5 per cent. Intending purchasers will be met at the Tumut Railway Station and driven to inspect on oommnicatirg with the Auctioneers. - (Ref- The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931)(about) Previous issue Saturday 3 November 1906 Page 16).
In connection with the West Blowering Estate subdivision sale for closer settlement, the following three blocks, which were passed in at auction, have since been sold privately.
Lot 5, improvement lease 2100 acres, expiring in years ucuk, internment rental £51 4s 6d, with annual lease Of 1120 acres adjoining given in, rent £4 13s 4d, 17 chains ot river frontage, 20 acres corn land, let at 43a per acre, 15 acres wheat land, 130 acres good grazing land, balance fair to inferior grazing country, 1250 acres ring barked, 4 miles of fence, over £600 expended in improvements, all conditions lease practically fulfilled; purchaser, A. H. Watts, Blowering.
Lot 7, known as the horse paddock, 240 acres freehold, 45 chains river frontage, 20 acres corn land, now let at £2 per acre, balance first class grazing or dairying, timber killed, and cleared up; purchaser, Richard Sturt, Tumut Plains; reserve at auction, £7 per acre.
lot 8, known as M'Kay's Paddock, 240 acres freehold, all boundaries fenced, permanent running creeks, first class grazing land, will carry three sheep to acre in any season, all timber killed, and partly cleared; purchaser, Walter Johnson, Blowering; reserve at auction, £4 5s per acre. - (Ref- Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 21 November 1906 Page 2).
WEST BLOWERING STATION, situated 10 miles from Tumut, with River Frontage, and comprising the following Lands:- 368 Acres Freehold, 2500 Acres (about) C.P., highly improved, with 8000 Acres more or lass of Leased Crown Lands. This Holding is fenced and divided into 9 paddocks, and further improved by Homestead Drafting Yards, Cultivation Paddocks, about 150 Acres on have been cultivated, giving large returns. This Property is well adapted for SHEEP or CATTLE, being richly grassed, and a large area could be cultivated with little expense. TERMS-Half Cash, balance at one and two years. 7 per cont. on Property. - (Ref- Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1881 - 1908)(about) Previous issue Saturday 23 October 1886 Page 5).
A large representative crowd assembled at O'Brien's Hall on Thursday evening last when the firms of Weaver and Perry (Sydney) and S. F. Wilkinson & Co. (Tumut), auctioneers in conjunction, offered, on behalf of the London Chartered Bank, the property known as West Blowering Station, on the Tumut River, subdivided into 18 farms ranging in area from 60 acres to3 220 acres. — .Mr. Weaver feeling somewhat indisposed, Mr. S. F. Wilkinson weilded the hammer with the results as follows: —
Lot 2, of 60 acres, freehold, started at £10 an acre, and was passed in at £17 10s, but was soon after purchased privately by Mr. J. Sullivan, of East Blowerine. at £18 an acre.
Lot 3, of 90 acres, freehold, started at £10, and fell to the previous buyer at £16 7s 6d per acre.
Lot 4, of 111 acres, freehold, started at £10 per acre, and after some steady bidding fell to the same buyer at £18 15s per acre.
Lot 5, improvement lease, of 2100 acres, was started at £200 and passed in.
Lot 6, known as West Blowring Homestead, of 167 acres, Freehold, started at £8 and was passed in at £10; but was subsequently bought privatly by Mr. Thompson Myers (late of Gocup) for £12 an acre.
Lot 7. known as horse paddock, of 249 acres, freehold, started at £4 per sere and passed in at £6.
Lot 8. known as McKay's paddock, of 240 acres freehold, started at £2 per acre, and was passed in at £4 5s.
Lot 2. known as School House, 930 acres, freehold, with 300 acres, and C.L. of 50 acres, was passed in there being no bid.
Lot 10, known as Mullin's paddock of 280 acres, freehold, with C.L. of 170 acres in addition was also passed in there being no bid.
Lot 11. known as Black Flat, of 330 acres, freehold, with additon of 380 C.L, started at £2 10 3 and finaly fell to Mr. James Higgins, of West Blowering, at £3 15s per acres.
Lot 12. known as Table Top of 1080 acres, freehold, with 282 acres C.L. and 297 acres annual lease, started at 20s per acre, and was passed in at that price, 80s per acre being asked.
Lot 13. of 320, freehold, and 537f acres annual lease was passed in, there being no bid.
The total area of freehold, which carried advantages of C.L. and A.L. additions, was 744 acres realizing £7334 7s 6d, on an average per acre of a trifle over £9 18s. - (Ref- Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post (NSW : 1900 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Friday 16 November 1906 Page 3).
Sale of West Blowering Estate.
The West Blowering Estate, 9410 acres, situated 10 miles from Tumut, which was recently subdivided into thirteen farms of from 60 acres to 3220 acres, was offered by public auction at O'Brien's, Hall, on November 15. The auctioneers were Messrs. Weaver and Perry, in conjunction with Messrs. S. F. Wilkinson. and Company, Tumut.
Five farms, totalling 770 acres of freehold, were sold at from £3 15s to £18 per acre, averaging £9 10s per acre. The total sale was £7342. The auctioneers consider it probable that the other farms on the estate will be sold privately. Following are the details of the sale.
Lot 1, 60 acre's freehold, including 45 acres of corn, tobacco, and potato land, Tumut River' frontage, black flatB, 43 acres, already let at £2 3s per acre; purchaser, Thoa. Sullivan, sen., Blowering, £18 per acre..
Lot 3, 91 acres freehold, including 42 acres of corn land, let on same terms and conditions as lot 2, 57 acres of cultivation on river front age, balance grazing; same, purchaser, £16 17s Od per ,acre.
Lot 4, 111 acres of freehold, including 45 acres of corn land, with river frontage, let on same terms and conditions as lot 2, £13 15s per acre; same purchaser.
Lot 6, 167 acres freehold; known as West Blowering Homestead, river frontage; Improvements good house, 7 acres of orchard, 20 acres of corn land, 60 acres of wheat, balance first class grazing; purchaser, Thompson Myers, Tumut, £12 per acre.
Lot ll, known as Black Flat, 330 acres free hold with 380 acres C.L. given in, river frontage, corn and wheat land, well cleared, fenced; wooden cottage, corn shed; purchaser, John Higgins, Blowering, £8 16s per acre. - (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 21 November 1906 Page 7).
Sales of Property.
In addition to the blocks on West Blowering Estate, Tumut, reported as sold by auction in our issue last week, the following have since been sold privately at price's very little below the reserve:-
Lot 6, Improvement léase. 2100 acres, expiring September, 18Ï9, Croverntrient rental £51 4s 6d, with annual lease of 1120 acres adjoining, rent £4 13s 4d, given In 20 acres corn land let at the annual rental of £2 3s per acre, tenant agreeable tale« .ten years renewal; 130 atrroB good grturing, balance fair to Inferior gracing; Î2S1 acres ring barked, four miles fencing, over £000 expended m improvements, 17 chafas river frontage; purchaser, A. H. Watts; reserve at auction, £300.
Lot 7, known, as horse paddock, 240 acres freehold, 45 chains river frontage, 20 acres corn land, let at £2 per acre, balance flrBt-èlass grating or dairying, mile and half fence, all timber killed and cleared up; purchasor, Richard Sturt, Tumut Plains; Reserve at auction, £7 per acre.
AT THE LAND OFFICE, TUMUT, On Friday, 28th January. COUNTRY LOT. Lot A, 40 acres, county Bucccleuch, parish Blowering, adjoining the south boundary of Messrs. Brown and Shelley's portion No. - 62 of 50 acres and the west boundary of G. Selley's conditional purchase portion No. 44 of 40 acres; exclusively two rods each 1 chain wide. Upset price, £1 per acre. - (Ref- The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 5 January 1881 Page 4).
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